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Sample labs

66 files

  1. IA Comments from IB Biology Moderators

    What they check for in each criterion and common mistakes to avoid!


  2. IB Biology Sample IA Marked By IB

    Design 5
    Data Collection And Processing 6
    Conclusion and Evaluation 5


  3. Enzyme planning lab

    To investigate the effect of temperature on the activity of the enzyme amylase


  4. Submitted

  5. Lab work exemplar: Experimental data collection and processing

    Investigating osmosis and diffusion of sucrose solutions in dialysis bags submerged in water.
    Includes markscheme. Graded on Data Collection and Processing


  6. 3 labs - level 6

    My friend's biology labs, I have permission to upload them here. She recieved 36/48, giving her level 6.


  7. Photosynthesis lab

    Aim: to observe the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis


  8. Updated

  9. Homeostasis - Biology HL IA

    Received 17/18 I believe.


  10. Heart Rate of Girls

    To investigate the effect of body position at time of measurement on the average* resting heart rate of
    girls aged from 16- 18years old
    All sections received 5/6 marks.


  11. [Design]Effect of pH on amylase activity

    Design of a lab investigating the effect of pH on activity of amylase.
    There are somethings I didn't do, which are included here:
    Writing a good lab report


  12. Yeast fermentation lab

    Aim: to observe fermentation in yeast in different sugar solutions by measuring the amount of
    carbon dioxide released during anaerobic respiration


  13. Maggots, Photosynthesis, Seed Germination, Respiration

    4 Labs/Practicals
    Maggot Taxis--How do maggots move in response to moisture and light?
    Factor affecting the rate of photosynthesis--How do leaves from different plants differ in their rate of photosynthesis?
    Rate of Seed Germination – Light Colour
    Yeast Respiration--How does a difference in the amount of glucose affect the rate of cellular respiration in yeast?


  14. [Full]Plant transpiration

    Lab: Transpiration lab, by the use of Vaseline on either sides of a leaf.
    There are somethings I didn't do, which are included here:
    Writing a good lab report


  15. Lab work exemplar: Experimental design

    Creating a model for understanding plant disease: How does humidity affect the ability of blumeria graminis to infect corn?
    Graded on Design
    Marksheet included. Annotated lab.


  16. IB Biology SL IA #2

    Task - to investigate the effects of a single variable regarding photosynthesis and/or cellular respiration


  17. Enzyme Lab

    Will changing the state of the enzyme lipase before usage (freezing and boiling), affect the reaction rate when added to the substrate milk?


  18. Rate of Photosynthesis IA

    Experiment measuring rate of photosynthesis


  19. Digestion of starch lab

    Aim: to investigate the action of the enzyme amylase on starch


  20. Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity of Catalase

    A design lab that I did towards the end of last year for biology; our objective was to investigate a factor that affected the enzyme activity of catalase. I chose temperature as my factor of study, and I used two sources of catalase: beef liver and potato catalase. My design lab was given an IB 6 by my biology teacher, so it was only marked internally.


  21. Vitamin C lab

    Aim: to work out how much Vitamin C content of lemon and orange juice


  22. [DCP & CE]Effect of SA:V on rate of diffusion.

    DCP and CE.
    Lab: Investigating the effect of SA:V on rate of diffusion in agar cubes.
    There are somethings I didn't do, which are included here:
    Writing a good lab report


  23. Photosynthesis Lab Report

    The following is a draft/idea for a Biology IA. It has been created along with an IB examiner and focusses on the investigation if Carbon Dioxide is necessary for Photosynthesis.


  24. Affect of Seed Scarification on Germination Rate

    How does seed scarification affect germination rate of the Pisum sativum?


  25. Homeostasis lab

    Aim: to investigate the effect of exercise on homeostasis


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