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History Research


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The way I went about finding information for my History HL IA was i first went to a local public library's website and found whatever books they had for my basic background knowledge on my topic. I then went to Kansas University to search in their library to find more scholarly books and articles in there collection.

I hope this helps you in undertaking the task of researching for history. If you have any other question respond back.

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I found as many primary sources online and than asked my teacher to help me to find the actual books that corresponded to the sources. I did the same for secondary sources. Online you can usually find the publisher, page numbers, date of publication, etc. of the actual book. So, instead of siting the website you found it from, you site the book, periodical, newspaper, etc. that corresponds to the website article.

Also, make sure to look at documents references. I found most of my primary sources form the reference page of a secondary source.

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