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IB Maths HL logistics help


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I have some questions regarding the logistics of Math hl external assesment.

First question is in paper 1, can I exceed the given lines? If I exceed the lines, am I penalized for it?

Second question is "are we going to be given scratch papers? If we are given scratch papers, can we use pencil in scratch papers?

Third question is can I use ruler while doing all papers?

Thanks in advance for the answers.

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I'm not 100% sure, but I'm going off what I've heard from my teacher:

1. I think you can exceed the given number of lines, however it has to be within the 'scannable area' - but I'm not sure whether maths papers get scanned (I don't think they get scanned this year... but I may be wrong). I don't think there are borders on the paper, so if it's in a reasonable distance from the edge, it should be okay. I think getting extra paper is the best policy - you can attach as many sheets of paper with your answers as necessary. But remember to start a new question on a new page.

2. I think you can request as much paper as you want in exam. However, if you don't want it to be marked, I think you put a line across the working. Depending on your school, they might throw the booklets away that you've crossed out, or they might still pass them on as part of your response. I'd say keep your working, and if you got the answer, try to cross out your working. But if you run out of time, don't worry. You don't get penalised for any rubbish working you do, as long as the marker sees your answer. But obviously, if the answer is clear and not in a pile of mess, it is easier for the marker to give you the points you deserve.

If it's working, I think you are allowed to use pencil. Really, I'm not sure that examiners would deliberately ignore your solutions if you did it in pencil. But it could get rubbed out in the posting process - that is a real risk. But I don't think working in pencil matters - they're not going to mark the scribbling paper, are they? Even if they are, as long as your solution is somewhere else in pen, it should not matter.

3. I think you are allowed to use a ruler, unless it does weird electronic things. It's particularly good to use it for diagrams. That's something I should probably learn to use. I'm not sure about whether you can bring in a geometry set with a set square/compass/protractor though - perhaps that's my own question though.

Hope my answers are helpful and accurate. Having never really taken a formal IB-style exam, I can't tell. Our yearlies weren't that formal.

Edited by flinquinnster
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