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Answering Developmental Psych Qs


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For the option of developmental psych, apparently you need to apply the biological, cognitive and sociocultural perspectives when answering the questions. i'm wondering how you should go about that? I know the first point explicitly states, 'to what extent do biological, cognitive and socio-cultural factos influence human development' - so you'd naturally structure an answer that split ups and talks about the 3 perspectives. but would this kind of approach apply for all other syllabus points? for example, 'evaluate psychological research relevant to developmental psychology' - would you break THAT down into 'biological, cognitive, and sociocultural'? Additionally, i know that according to the IB psych guide there are three areas explored in dev psych - cognitive, social and identity development - and for the syllabus point of 'evaluate psychological research relevant to developmental psychology' - instead of mentioning biological, cog and sociocultural approaches like the first point, it mentions the approach of " for coginitive development look at: etc., for social development look at: etc., and for identity development look at"

and then for the rest of the questions they all fall under either cognitive, social, and identity specific questions - would i approach those questions according to splitting the answer into biological, cognitive, and sociocultural?

sorry, this might be a tad confusing...

hope someone can help!

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Hi. So the question you first mentioned asked for the three perspectives that is why you have to mention all three of them. Having psychology as well, I don;t see why you would be obliged to mention all three approaches when the question does not specifically ask you to. When answering a question you should read it very carefully. Although an interrelation of approaches is a favorite topic of IB Psychology, you do not have to apply interaction in every single question. Developmental level of analysis is no different than any other level so I don;t see why a unique approach should be followed in answering the questions. Hope that helps :)

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