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Help on my WL essay for a chronicle of a death foretold

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So I am doing my WL essay on a chronicle of a death foretold by Gabriel García Márquez, I want to write my essay on the role of women in the society, but I am not sure that I can write 1500 words for it.

Also I am considering on writing about who was responsible for the death of Santiago Nasar

I need help on choosing what to do

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Both of your current topics are very broad. "Role of women" in this book is such a broad theme, you'll need to give it a much narrower focus and relate it to that theme overall. If you were to write on who was responsible for Nasar's death, you would need to give it a literary focus, you can't just talk about why you think a certain person did it or didn't do it.

World literature essays need to be really focused because you don't have a lot of words to play around with. In order to get a full analysis, you'll want a good question that allows you to explore your topic over the whole book, and to do that you need to focus on just one thing. Going along with the role of women, what do you want to focus on specifically? You could pick a symbol or a motif within the book that is common to the women and then relate it back to Colombian society at the time and then the theme as a whole, you could focus on just one or two characters and explore characterization to show how they represent the role of women, etc. My advice to you would be to go back and look at your topics again, and try to narrow them down. Good luck :)

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Chronicle of The Death Foretold! Women! I wrote WA concerning these two things but as it was said I had to narrow it very much. And my conclusion is: it's going to be your misery. WA in "Laguage A: Literature", even "Language A: Literature" in itself is very difficult and strenuous thing. For a scientific mind (like me0 it is a(n) (un)necessary evil. It is even more sad if you know that there is an easier course for studying mother tongue, called "Laguage A: Literature and Language" (check in Lit.&Lang. subforum what's the difference between these two), but such curriculum for your tongue (Polish) hasn't been finished yet!

Coming back to your WA - as it was said you have to narrow the topic. Bear in mind that you have only 1,500 words count and you can't exceed it. For example, before writing you can read some works about matriarchy, I strongly encourage you to read "Love, Sexuality and Matriarchy" by Erich Fromm and also "Myth, Religion and Mother Right" by Johann Jakob Bachofen. After reading these two books I noticed some strange facts in the "Chronicle...", which were "uncompromised" before. If you still need help, please PM me.

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