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Getting out of IB?


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So I've been back and forth about whether or not to take IB next year (in grade 11). I was in Pre-IB for first semester, but now due to my failing math I've been put into regular classes for second semester. I'd really like to do IB; I enjoy how education is taken seriously (far more serious than in regular courses, I've found) and all of my friends are going into IB.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew what the policy is for getting out of IB and getting to regular classes? Many of my teachers have told us to 'try IB and see if it's for you' and that there is a way to get out early if it isn't working for us, but given that it was a ridiculously huge deal to get me out of Pre-IB, I'm not sure if I can believe getting out of IB is so easy.

I really would like to give IB a try, even if just to be totally sure that it is or isn't for me and spend a bit of time in class with my friends again.

Also, if anyone has any thoughts on whether IB is limiting as to what you can learn (I'd like to take advantage of my high school years and learn and study broadly, so would I be better off taking different academic courses rather than IB?), that'd be very much appreciated.

Thank you! :)

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I know you can switch out during or after the grade 11 year, lots of people at my school have done it. Your courses get converted and you may have to pick up some gr11 courses in gr 12 but its doable and not that hard. Teachers tend to be lazy and because of that, they might tell you not to switch but trust me you can (:

If you're willing to ut a lot of time and effort in then do it! You have to want to for IB to be a good fit for you!

Self motivation is key! Good luck!

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I agree that you should definitely give IB a go - it should be relatively easy to get out of IB as long as you have classes and a qualification that you can go for in your school aside from IB (which is usually the case). IB is hard work, but if you are interested in breadth of study, IB provides a lot of breadth because you have to take certain subjects like maths, science and a second language. I really can't speak for any of the Canadian options you may have, but IB Diploma forces you to take at least 3 HL subjects, 3 SL and EE/TOK/CAS - that is a very wide range of challenging things to learn. Also, whilst doing IB simply because your friends are doing it is not that great a reason, it can help to have people supporting you and sharing notes/advice.

In terms of maths, I think that it is definitely possible to improve there. Mostly, it is just practice, practice and practice - so much of doing well in high school maths just relies on drilling skills which are at times a bit mechanical. If you haven't already, do the easiest level of maths you can - and if you are doing IB Diploma and aren't confident in your maths, then do Maths Studies.

Good luck!

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