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Narrowing Research Question


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To what extent does Lewis Carrol use his writing as means to express his opinions about real-life problems?

English, category one

Is it narrow enough? Also, when I say real-life problems I could be using it incorrectly. An example of what'll I'll be talking about is how he expresses his opinions about the monarchy in Britian. Is that called a real-life problem? Or is it an issue?


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In my opinion, it is not narrow enough. If you are implying about the monarchy in Britain, use that term.

" To what extent does Lewis Carroll use his writing as means to express his opinions on British monarchy?"

Maybe even include books where he does this to narrow it down more.

" How does Lewis Carroll use his books Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass to portray his opinions on British monarchy?" etc.

Just some ideas :)

Good luck!

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Thanks, I'll probably use the first one because the second one limits me too much. I am going to use the books you mentioned in the second one, but I'm also using a poem he wrote about ghosts; and maybe other texts if I find more.

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I would certainly use "how" rather than "to what extent".

To what extent implies you are actually looking at exactly that - the extent. How much does he - but also how much DOESN'T he use it? That's what extent means, and lots of people put it in their titles but rarely actually do measure the extent. "To what extent" belongs in History essays usually much more than in English essays!

"How" means you can just look at how he DOES use it, without having to worry about all the rest of it where he doesn't.

Also, I'm sure you've thought about what you're doing, but a narrow well-explored title is always going to be better than a broad superficially explored title. So there is some merit to being specific and just doing a few books VERY thoroughly, rather than just the obvious points from a range of texts. They want to see thoroughness and you picking out all the minor points as well to hit topic analytical marks - not just the big in-your-face obvious bits.

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