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Maths SL Exploration topic

Richard Bankole

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I decided to try and connect at least one of two of the things I'm passionate about (languages and music) to the exploration, but I have no idea what an appropriate topic is. While I love languages and even plan on doing some form of Linguistics in university, music is more of a hobby to listen to, not study.  For the moment, I'm considering:


- Is there a mathematical equation for the "perfect" beat?

- Maths behind commercially successful songs and their instrumentals and/or their artists' voices?

- Going into detail about the 4 chords in C-Major commonly used in pop

- Probability of making a completely new song?

- Mathematics behind discord/accord?


I have a feeling that these aren't good topics, so if people can give me any feedback or advice it is much appreciated.

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Mathematics and music sound difficult to harmonize together, but it doesn't mean they are not meant for each other.

Problem is, your topics seem to lack justification of limits, that is, your topics have to come across A LOT of things to consider. For example, "probability of making completely new song". This is just plain difficult.

Not discouraging you to pursue music and mathematics, but in the end you need to have a plan. What am I going to do with the topic? What are the steps? Are the calculations sophisticated enough?

It took two months for me to come across a topic, and it's worth it.

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