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Hey everyone!

I am new to this forum and this is my first thread. I am in dp yr 2 and will do my EE in psych. i need help in choosing my topic and RQ.

So far these two research questions interest me-

1. To what extent can exercise combat clinical depression

I have a lot of studies which confirm that exercise helps depression but not many which say it does not. I didnt come across any psychological models that can be applied too.

2. How can choking be avoided in professional swimmers?

being a swimmer and having experienced choking, i got interested in this topic. The problem is my question doesnt start with "to what exxtent" and i have read that it is recommended that my RQ must start with "to what extent....". I can apply many models to this question and talk about techniques to avoid choking like mental imagery etc.

3. To what extent does perfectionism lead to burnout?


Which topic seems better? Any way that I can modify the structure of my question?


I am very scared for my extended essay   :(  I need to start working on it ASAP! Please give me any insights that you can. Thanks a tonne!

Hugs from India :)

Edited by annnushkaaa
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