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TOK Presentation - need suggestion!


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Currently, I am doing the TOK presentation. I already had the real life situation and now I am trying to develop a good, solid Knowledge Question. The topic that I am interested in is the government censorship. The real situation that I have now is about the censorship of media in China. 


Here's my question: Should I be specific in my Knowledge Question? For example, "is the government censorship in China justifiable" Or is it too specific? Or else would it be too broad if I don't mention any. 


 Anyone can help? Please, it would mean a lot for me!

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Great topic, very interesting. That being said, I don't think you'd be wise to do it (at least in that form) for the ToK presentation.


You're falling into the most common ToK pres. trap: ethics. People think that because ethics is an area of knowledge, they can ask questions like "Is abortion ethical?" or things along those lines. That's what you're doing here, but in different words. The truth is that ToK is about knowledge, how we gain it and we spread it. That means that your topic of censorship is awesome for ToK, but only in the sense that censorship limits language, a way of knowing. You'd be better off doing something along the lines of

To what extent is the censorship of language a limiting factor in a society's knowledge of its government?" or something like that. You can use China as an example, a real life situation. 


To answer you question simply, yes, you're too specific :)

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I agree with annnushkaaa that your question is a first degree question, but I don't think any of your questions should be first degree.  Any knowledge question/issue that can be answered with "yes" or "no" is not good for TOK.  Although your question is an ethical one, "thrashmaster" is correct.  If and/or after you modify your main knowledge question, I would recommend coming up with subquestions using other areas of knowledge and ways of knowing such as "how do reason and emotion influence the information that governments decide to censor?" or something like that.  I hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For your knowledge question, it should be universal, and thus not reference any one specific real world situation, but to many.

Specific KQ:  Is abortion ethical?


Universal KQ: To what extent should personal freedoms be limited to ensure personal security?


Hope this helps!

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