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Maria Kits

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do you know if  the area of advertisement belongs to the arts (area of knowledge)


I don't think that this a yes/no question, since you can argue about it in different ways. In my humble opinion, even though creating an advertisement involves some artistic abilities, I would say that this area belongs more to psychology (which is a social science) rather than art. This is because when creating an advertisement, one would have to consider very much about how to make it in such a way that it'll easily capture people's attention. And that requires a study on human's behaviors.


EDIT: or maybe it is a combination of both art & psychology, since artistic/designing skills are extremely important as well.

Edited by Vioh
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This thread reminds me of this advertisement, which was done in Odenplan train station in Stockholm, Sweden. This one involves lots of artistic elements (such as using ultra sonic sensor to create special effects). But it's also used to make it easier to spread a message to the population. So i would argue that advertisement is the combination of both art & human sciences.


The video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=064ipuBiWDg

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