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So I just started IB and its my second week so in Chemistry we started learning about the mole concept and I have an awesome joke that I found XD


(sing it in your head)


Hey, I just met you

And this is crazy

but here's my number

6.02 x 10^23

so mole me maybe



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Ohh! We told chemistry jokes in my class too! They're really cheesy..but I'm not sure if they'll get a good reaction ;)


What do you do to a sick chemist? If you can't helium, or curium then you might as well barium :(


(One atom says to another) "I've lost my electron!"  "Are you positive?"


Did you hear Oxygen and Potassium went on a date? It went OK. But then Oxygen and Magnesium went on a date less than a week later! OMG! And when Nitrogen asked Oxygen out, Oxygen said NO. And THEN, Oxygen went on a second date with potassium, it went OK2


What's the chemical formula for coffee? COFe2


Do you know any jokes about sodium? Na


Two chemists went to a restaurant, one asked for H2O, the other asked for H2O too...and then he died.


If H2O is the chemical formula for water, what is the formula for ice? H2O cubed


What did one ion say to the other? I've got my ion on you


What do you call iron blowing in the wind? FeBreeze


Sorry for the crummy chemistry jokes. It's just that all of the good ones argon 



They're from all over the place (I won't take credit for any of them). 

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Jokes a nerdy classmate shared with the class:


1.A mathematician sits in a cafe looking at an apartment building. Two people enter and five minutes later three people exit the building.

Mathematician:"Now if only one more person enters the building, it will be empty"


2.A mathematician and physicist are asked to prove or disprove the theorem "all odd numbers are prime", so they start counting.

Mathematician: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 however is not a prime.The theorem is therefore invalid,

Physicist:3 is prime,5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 is an experimental error, 11 is prime, 13 is prime. We have sufficient data to stop the investigation. Theorem proved.

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Functions were on bar. They were chattiing around and everything was fun and smooth.

Then the derivative operator walked in. All functions ran as they couldn't face derivative operator and remain unchanged. Only one stayed.

Derivative operator asked from last one "Well, hi, who are you"

Function answered: "I'm e^x"

Derivative operator answered: "Nice to meet. I'm d/dy"

... This is propably an old one but I've not laughed to a joke as much as I laughed to this when I first heard it.

Edited by Emilia1320
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I did not get this one.............

its probably just me

Me neither, explain!


I think it's a changed version of the actual profile. The original is a Learner's profile while this one mocks it by calling it the Knower's profile.


That's how I understood it..dunno if that's what it meant to convey though :P

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What did the biologist wear on his first date? Designer genes


Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine and Neon? Because you are fine!


Do you have 11 protons because you are sodium cute!


You must be the one for me because my selectively permeable membrane let you through.


You're the particle of my life...without you, my universe wouldn't matter


You're so hot you make my safety goggles fog up


I wish I were adenine so I could be paired up with U


Kinda dirty.... I might love physics but I'm no Bohr in bed


You're as sweet as 3.141592638...

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