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English A1 EE - Topic Help on Anthem by Ayn Rand


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So, in Anthem by Ayn Rand there are two characters that basically leave society (it's a dystopian future type of society) seeing that their laws and way of life is flawed. I wanted to compare the strength of their character. After reading, I noticed that it seems that although they were both rebellious, the female character is less independent and kind of following the lead of the main male character. So I was going to argue the point that she isn't as strong, or as much of a leader as him. I would find examples that imply that she is of an equal strength and examples that she is less strong/independent/truly rebellious. 


I haven't nailed down the wording for my research question yet, but would this be an appropriate topic for an EE? Would this be too specific given that it is only a comparison of two characters from one book? Should I continue with this topic or look for something different?

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This sounds like a wonderful idea. Comparison of the two main characters would be quite appropriate for an EE. Your topic is supposed to be specific, not broad. As I also did something similar for my EE and nailed it, I can assure you that the topic is good.


Ayn Rand doesn't write what many would characterize as 'literature', but your topic is definitely literary. So, I would recommend you to not get sidetracked in your discussion; one of my friends was also doing an EE on Rand but she discussed too much about philosophy and that lowered her grade.


You can have a RQ like "How does Rand transform (the character's name) from independent and strong to submissive in Anthem?"

In the essay, mainly, then you should focus on the different techniques of characterization that answer the research question. Also whenever possible, make comparisons with other pieces of work that have similar techniques.

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