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Is this a good question for TOK or is it too much of a moral question?


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I am doing my TOK presentation on the real life situation of the MMR vaccination controversy (basically false claims made that the vaccination could cause autism). The question that I am thinking of doing is "Should the distribution of knowledge always seek to serve the greater good?" I will then go on to talk about how this claim effected herd immunity and therefore it was detrimental in terms of the greater good. Also talk about other real life situations


Do you think that this is a reasonable line of questioning or am i completely off? Should i be tweeking my question or completely changing it?



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Hi, good start with the idea. 


But instead of the word 'should', don't you think by using TOK terms would make your knowledge question sound better? Maybe you can also include some hints on which areas of knowledge or ways of knowing will you be using? Here's an example, "To what extent can the shared knowledge shape the personal knowledge?" The shared knowledge in your real-life situation can be the news or rumors saying that the vaccination could cause autism. While the personal knowledge in this RLS can be either our personal knowledge or maybe that of the parents', on how they're taking the news seriously or just keep providing their babies the vaccine. 


In my opinion, many things can be connected to your real life situation such as intuition, natural sciences, human sciences, and etc. Good luck with it!

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