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Is this an okay question for a TOK presentation?


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I'm a bit confused about the difference between drawing a knowledge issue from a real life situation and actually coming up with a question. I came up with 2 questions that I thought about from my real life situation, how do we decide what is appropriate for children and to what extent are rules important to the areas of knowledge, but I thought they seemed different from the kinds of questions we were give in class. I feel like those are broad questions and can be applied to different areas, but my friend said that's just a knowledge issue and I need to make up a knowledge question. I don't really know though.

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Guest Sonia

In your question, you need to have a clear reference to an area of knowledge or more. So your first question is good in a tok way, but refer to an area of knowledge so for example - how do we decide what is ethically appropriate for children if that links to ur real life. Your second question is indeed a bit broad - focus on one or 2 areas of knowledge that link to ur real life situation, like 'to what extent are rules important when acting on emotion'. 
Take your real life issue and note down the AoK that you can use for it, and then come up with a question -  I think that's the easiest way. 

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