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HELP with my IA in history


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OK so i have this question: How did the absence of American television network with access to a satellite stopped the development of the Cuban Missile Crisis into WWIII?

Feel freely to change the question and can you help me choose some resources for it?


 Background: As Michael Richard Beschloss(American historian) said:"an American television network with access to a private satellite might well have discovered the missiles and announced them to the world only hours after the President had learned about them" so this would lead to panic among the American citizens, and in the public outcry and debate it might be difficult for the president to choose a more moderate option of the naval blockade... Ted Sorensen said later that if the president would choose an air strike than that would bring in response an immediate nuclear assault upon USA by Soviet troops Cuba and i think that that would lead to the Third World War.

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A small thing, I'd rephrase the question to "To what extent did the absence of the American television network with access to a satellite stop the development of the Cuban Missile Crisis into WWIII?"


Just make sure you don't get too hypothetical (my teachers recommend against it - you never ask "what if" questions in history, because then a lot events would have to change. It's just the same with "would, should and could")


Good luck

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Your topic is very interesting. 

But I would like to have "to what extent" in the research question, because it will allow you to have more historical debate and analytical. (it is just an idea).

I do not know many books about the Cuban Missile Crisis , but these two books (one hell of a gamble ) and (Thirteen Days) may help. 

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