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Chemistry EE: Topic too simple?


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Investigating the effects of various extraction methods on chlorogenic acid concentrations in the extract 


Using about 2-3 extraction methods to extract chlorogenic acid from coffee beans, then detecting them with spectrophotometry.

Will this be too simple? There's not even a reaction going on here...



How are these alternatives:


Difference in changes of enthalpy in various survivalist ways of starting a fire with chemicals

more to come later---

Edited by NiCKEL
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(2015 HL Chem student here; did not write a group 4 EE. I am also not familiar with chlorogenic acid extraction)

I think this has potential to score high now that analytical is part of the core/AHL. I really like this idea of comparing chemical techniques. The question can be not simple by going in depth, meticulous, and thorough on the methodologies, possibly with repeating experimentation at different stages to test different hypothesis or factors.
A big concern I have is the reliability of detection from spectrophotometry alone. Possibly titration (with strong base) is also suitable because you are dealing with an acid. You want to look at multiple methods of detection to lower the uncertainties.
There may also be the problem of determining that you actually extracted chlorogenic acid not some other acid or a mixture of acids. I don't think it's safe to just assume you extracted chlorogenic acid and not do any physical analyses, especially not on the EE. 


As for the backup topic on changes in enthalpy in starting fires. Enthalpy sometimes by itself is not enough. The rate of heat dissipation may also be relevant in a survivalist scenario. What are ways to compare prolonged low-intensity warmth with short high-intensity warmth? Are there scenarios in which one is preferred over the other? How do the quantity and other conditions of the resources present in the survival situation limit/enhance the choice of getting warmth?

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