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Effect of Technology in Construction Industry --- Is it too wide?

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Hi everyone,


So, my RQ is "The effect of technology in the construction industry" or basically "To what extent has technology affected the construction industry?"

(Computer Science)


Now to be honest, I'm not sure whether this is narrow enough. I feel that it might turn out to be really general and not specific. Is there any way I can refocus my RQ to be more specific? I would really appreciate it if you all could pitch in your opinions or any suggestions.  


Thanks in advance  :rolleyes:

Edited by Youknownothingjonsnow
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This is far too broad. This also doesn't sound like an appropriate topic for a computer science EE.

I suggest if you're committed to writing a computer science EE to go read the guide (available online or in our general downloads folder in the files section which all members can access). There you'll find examples of topics that the IB considers to be appropriate and get a sense of what is required of you. You want your topic to be narrow enough that you can write a focused essay and answer it fully in under 4000 words, but not so narrow you write 1500 words and then hit a wall.

Once you've identified a couple of possible topics we can give you feedback on them.

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