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How do I have to manage French B sl?


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I am completely new to French in Canadian high school since I immigrated.

The rest of the 5 courses are perfectly suitable for me but not French....

My high school is not offering French ab initio, so I completely don't know what to do.

What and how do I have to study effectively?

I am hoping to get at least 5 but.....


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I did French SL at school as well and I did not know a single word in it. I would not say that I have flair for languages... no, I do not... but I worked hard to learn it. I used various resources in the Internet and I also talked to myself in French quite often (do not judge, it helped).


I used this resource a lot: http://french.about.com/od/verb_conjugations/


You might find this one quite useful as well: http://www.languageguide.org/french/

When we studied various topics, our teacher used this website although it is mainly for French HL: https://frenchywiki.wikispaces.com/IB+French+B+HL


Finally, my ultimate life saver, was this book (but if you want to have it, you will need to purchase it): https://osc-ib.com/ib-revision-guides/french/french-b/123

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Probably the main things you may have difficulty with are the conjugasions - there are literally so many for each verb in each tense. There are a few nifty acronyms like MRS VANDERTRAMP for verbs that take etre in the passe compose :) also, I find that for beginners, reading French childrens' books tends to help with the basic vocab, and then once you find yourself advancing you can move to more complicated texts and even news articles. It's also important to practice your intonation for orals, so I find it best to read aloud any French you come across - a little goes a long way! Quizlet will be your saviour - there's heaps of flashcards for grammar, vocab, and I've even found ones dedicated to IB French vocab (especially for those linking words - the IB loves linking words). I found my written French improved tenfold by writing a 300-400 word piece for my teacher every week - I'd learn the correct phrasings and grammar in the context of what I'd like to write, which in turn aids in boosting your Paper 2 grade :)

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