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Physics sl IA


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 Hi, our physics teacher has recently asked us to present our IA topics and i have this idea that i seem to struggle coming up with a good research question. its about momentum, basically i want to investigate the relationship between time and force for different collisions and how this impacts on the impulse. the real life situation i want to use is to verify or rather look into how effective statistics presented by forensics people in accidents is. 

may you kindly help me construct a well focused research question.


thanking you in advance

Edited by bassie
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pretty sure there is no 'research question' for a physics IA, just state your aim and what you're trying to find. there is no particular template


also the current topic you have chosen has 4 different factors; it wouldnt prove to be a good topic cause your graphs will be going everywhere. you should try and focus on 2 different settings: dependent and independent variables. one way to do this would by focusing on the momentum and how it affects the impulse. but that doesnt make any sense, maybe i still dont understand what you're trying to do. what are you changing in your lab? what is your independent variable?


be wary that using premade formulas to prove your aim is fine, but you're going to get a lot of messy inaccuracy calculations and i dunno if that level of complexity is needed at sl level so that's something to think about


try not to do a lab where you already know the answers to, cause you know, whats the point then...

also i dont understand what you mean by 'real life situation', are you trying to connect that with your personal engagement? then that would be fine


i wouldn't say that im an expert at physics IAs but i did get a high 6 (19/24) on my physics IA i submitted a few days ago

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thanks for your opinion and i do think you are making a point. maybei should explain further, here is what i want to to: i want to find the relationship between force and time different collisions. meaning i will have force as an independent variable and time as dependent. 

thing is, i seem to not come up with something i dont know an answer to like u are saying so excuse that part for now. by real life situation i was basically referring to my engagement in the investigation as my teacher suggested real life situations are a good reflection of your own input in the IA. concerning impulse, i was thinking that somewhere along the write i will just include that to serve as proof maybe or additional info to take the up lines.


However, you have just made me think of this as my aim then...How does time affect force in different collision? what do you think??



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no an aim would be something like


"To investigate how a light dependent resistor is affected by light intensity using a potato fueled battery, by changing the number of batteries each trial and measuring the voltage at the light dependent resistor"


The above topic doesn't make any sense, just wanted to give a gist of how an aim would look like

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