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Hi everyone!


To begin with, sorry if I'm not following the proper code of posting within the forum, it's my first time :)


I have to submit my extended essay proposal in a while and I had a few questions. I take language and literature in school and I wanted to know, can the extended essay for language and literature be of the same format as that of literature? Can I base my essay around a book or write a comparison piece like they would do in literature?


In addition, I could also use some advice for my book choices! I've narrowed it down to Dune by Frank Herbert, Catch-22 or Farenheit 451. Do any of you have any advice or input as to which book would be the best? Also, do you think it would be feasible to do a new book like Go Set a Watchman maybe for a comparative study? I've seen this question asked quite a bit in the forums but the answer always varies.


Thank you so much for any input any of you have, it would be greatly appreciated!


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Students are allowed to write their EE in a different subject even if they don't take that subject, thus in your case I'm assuming you meant that you wanted to write an Eng. Lit. EE instead of Lang. and Lit. 

If you take a look at the EE Guide distributed by the IBO, they state that:


There are 3 categories of group 1 extended essays:

  • Category 1—Studies of a literary work(s) originally written in the language in which the essay is presented

  • Category 2—Studies of a literary work(s) originally written in the language of the essay compared with literary work(s) originally written in another language

  • Category 3—Studies in language. 

I'm sure it won't make that much of a difference because since you want to base your essay around a book or write a comparison piece, you can just go for English Literature instead of English LangLit as your subject choice for your EE. 


For the choice of books, I would suggest you think of a suitable topic before you select your books. If you think the 2 books that you do are comparable then you can definitely do them, just make sure your topic can be fully analysed in both novels. For example, I've wrote my EE on the roles of female characters in two dystopian novels, my friend wrote hers on the theme of madness in two other novels. Any literary novel is fine as long as it contains a suitable amount of text that you can analyse in depth. I would go for classical novels as they contain an extensive amount of literary value. 


Sorry I can't be of much help with the choice of books, I've only read Fahreheit 451.

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