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Studying Medicine in the UK after Brexit


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Hello, I am in my first year of the IB course. I have taken HL Biology, Chemistry and Psychology with SL English Literature/Language, Chinese B and Mathematics. I am an international student from SEA. I have been hearing things about how it may be harder to get a job after finishing a degree in the UK so I would like some clear information on what exactly is the problem for international students with trying to get jobs after a degree in the UK. I am trying to go into the field of medicine. 

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lol I don't think there will be much of a problem, and it would still be like 6 years or so before you'll actually start looking for a job in medicine? Anything can happen in those 6 years and you really can't predict anything for what happens at that time. As for now, there's this: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c86df908-3d07-11e6-8716-a4a71e8140b0.html#axzz4HZDaRQTj -- and it doesn't seem to be that big of an issue too now.

I'm not sure how your subject choices tie into your worries about getting a job after you graduate as I doubt they'll look at your high school transcripts... but they're pretty fine for someone trying to get into medical school. Almost everyone else I know planning to go into medicine take a slightly less difficult subject combination ie. Biology, Chemistry, and Language A or B HL, instead of a humanities/maths. That said, it really is an extremely competitive field and people I know that are very intelligent and independent, as well as achieving extremely high marks (38-41/45) still weren't even given conditional offers for medicine, albeit they got into biomedical science -- which from there they'll be able to earn opportunities to transfer into medicine.

Edited by IB`ez
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As far as I know, there was some talk about getting a post-university working visa harder, but I'm not sure how much harder (I think it was an issue of just going back to your country to get it, instead of getting it in the UK). If I'm not mistaken, it was just a project the current prime minister has written in early 2016, but it was never taken into consideration. 

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