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I have decided that its time to drop HL math. I've figured that if struggle the entire year to get a 3-4 in math HL, its not worth it. I rather get a 7 in SL math. My other HL subjects are physics (going good), ITGS (going good). Both subjects 6 or 7 (mostly 7).

Question 1) If I drop HL math I can choose from 3 other HL subjects (i'll be taking math SL): Business management, Chemistry or English. I'm good at English, okay at chemistry and have a small understanding in BM.

Question 2) I want to be a software engineer. I know both python and Java and have multiple extra curricular actives logged in (including the silver DOE award, planning on doing gold). I've looked into what requirements one needs to become a software engineer but if someone could streamline the requirements it would really help.

Question 3) What GOOD universities are there that will accept me with all of these recommendations.

I will answer any questions anyone has :)

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