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Ab initio German help!!!


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I'm on my second year of Ab initio German and I am struggling. My class last year was really relaxed and I have a different teacher this year that expects me as well as the German B students to be fluent in German. I get these crazy hard assignments when I can barely write a properly structured paragraph in German. I have extra textbooks and resources to help me but i'm nowhere near the level of the work my teacher gives.

Any tips and advice please?

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I understand how annoying that must be but keep studying as hard as it sounds like you are and look at the syllabus and learn vocab for all of the different areas (I recommend doing Quizlet lists).

either way, point is, even though your teacher is pushing you really hard you have to keep in mind the international perspective. So base your worry on how well you can do actual AB initio past papers and not if you guys are getting insane hard exercises in class. That is not to say that your teacher can't come with some very good advise. Listen and take into account her tips as well and keep studying at a pace you need to be able to do well in the actual AB initio exam.




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