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Binomial Expansion


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Please help me with Binomial Expansion...


I really don't understand how to solve this... but I need to understand it quickly T_T


Please solve this question with clear explanation for every step... Thank you so much!

coefficient questionss.png

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I'll do #2 as an example. Find coefficient of x3 in expansion of (2x2 - 3/x)6. This is just a condensed explanation, if you have trouble understanding any step please ask!
1. Locate some exponent r such that (x2)6-r * (x-1)r = x3. You can solve 2(6 - r) + (-1)r = 3 to get r = 3.
2. Use Data Booklet equation found under 1.3, which says the general term is (n choose r) * an-rbr. In our question n = 6, r = 3, a = 2x2, b = (-3/x)

3. (6 choose 3) = 20.

an-r = (2x2)3 = 8x6.

br = (-3/x)3 = -27 x-3

4. Multiply all together: 20 * 8x6 * (-27 x-3) = -4320 x3. Coefficient of x3 term is -4320. 


Edited by kw0573
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Guess I'll also do number 5. Find coefficient of x6 in (2 - x)1(3x + 1)9
1. Similar step, but now we use variables r and s instead of just r in question 2. (x0)1 - r(x)r (x)9 - s (x0)s = x6

r + (9 - s) = 6, r - s = -3. Because r can only take on values 0 or 1. If r = 0, s = 3; if r = 1, s = 4. 

2. for r = 0, s = 3, we get the term (1 choose 0) * (2)1-0 (-x)0 * (9 choose 3) * (3x)9-3 * (1)3 = 1 * 2 * 1 * 84 * 729x6 * = 122472x6

....for r = 1, s = 4, we get the term (1 choose 1) * (2)1-1 (-x)* (9 choose 4) * (3x)9-4 * (1)4 = 1 * 1 * (-x) * 126 * 243x5 * 1 = -30618x6

3. Add them up: (122472 - 30618) x6 = 91854 x6. The coefficient of x6 term is 91854.

Edited by kw0573
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