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Are there aliens out there?


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Now, if we say that life did evolve to be what it is today, what is to say that our situation is unique? According to some theories in physics (sorry, I don't take physics so I can't specify) the universe is expanding. We only have x number of permutations of gasses/conditions that might have/might create a planet similar to ours that can foster life. What's more, who is to say that life can only exist under our own circumstances? Maybe there could be life on a planet made of chemicals toxic to us.

Sure, the way they are portrayed on TV is purely by imagination. But who knows, there could be 'aliens' exactly like ourselves, living in an alternate universe. We cannot deny this. The only possible counter-argument to the whole alien thing is a creationist argument, which spawns the new question of whether or not God exist/has ever existed. And that is something for another debate.

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Sure, the way they are portrayed on TV is purely by imagination. But who knows, there could be 'aliens' exactly like ourselves, living in an alternate universe. We cannot deny this. The only possible counter-argument to the whole alien thing is a creationist argument, which spawns the new question of whether or not God exist/has ever existed. And that is something for another debate.

haha you are now beginging to sound like the movie Race to Witch Mountain. Did you see it? it backs up what you're saying :no:

Well, i'm not talking about god here. I mean seriously, Area 51 and U.f.O's are all some made up things to keep people on the edge of their seats tbh.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really dislike how Hollywood has made it's own fantasy version of cool aliens (who possess high-tech instruments, superior intelligence, etc.)

I think that ^ is highly unlikely.

However, I believe that there must be life is some form that exists somewhere in the universe <_<

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  • 3 months later...

Of course there are aliens out there. But it's OK, the Doctor will save us if any of them attack. :P

In all seriousness, I do believe there is life out there. The universe is so vast, we can hardly believe that we're alone! I'm not saying that life out there is as developed as humans, or more developed (though I'm sure it is possible)...but I do believe there is some form of life out there, no matter how small.

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I think there is life outside of earth considering all the inexplicable events that sometimes take place on earth such the construction of the stone henge. I think aliens may be somewhere in this big universe.

Edited by godofib
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It's more unlike that there is no life out there somewhere that than there is. It's absurd that earth is only place where life exists. I'm still hopeful that someday we could find life even from our own solar system. Like from Callisto or from some other moon of Jupiter/Saturn.

I think people who say that there is no life outside of the earth don't just realize the size of universe or are just religious fundamentalists. Most likely they just don't understand the size.

But even though I do think that there is life outside of the earth, I still don't think that we, nor them can ever meet each other (assuming we are talking about a high culture). Closest solar system where is a planet (like earth) which is in the habitable zone of its star is approximately 20 light years away from us (as far as I know). 20 years is a long time to wait a message assuming we, or them, can send those message in the speed of light.

Oh and don't you try to tell me some science fiction junk! There is no way we nor them could fly in the speed of light. Let alone space jumps/teleportations :P

But well... I'm optimistic and say that someday we will find some signs of outer space civilizations.

Oh and the extrasolar planet I mentioned before was Gliese 581 c. Try to google if you like to :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I absolutely love your 'random' question, it is so TOK-like and I love TOK! ^_^

So basically, I do not think that there are aliens out there. This has not been proved by anybody yet, why would you be so definate that they do excist? Also, of course there might have been various theories about such things, but they are just theories! Yes, our science book are full of theories, in fact, it does mean that what we are learning is not true. Scientists are looking for simple ways of viewing the world, hence the quote "Simplicity is the new genius."

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I have another question for you guys.

Why are we so eager to find out if there are aliens?

Someday we may know but how are we going to benefit from it?

All i know is that..curiosity killed the cat!

(i don't want to here that satisfaction brought it back , even though it's an awesome rejoinder ^_^ )

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  • 5 weeks later...

I think it'd be more interesting to believe there is life out there. Do I actually believe there is? Well, probably, I mean, maybe not advanced races like humans but I think the chances that there are bacteria and other micro-organisms in space is very likely.

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  • 11 months later...

Just had a discussion about this in TOK class. We came up with the fact that there is definitely 'something' or 'someone' out there, but who knows whether they are aliens or not. We human beings on Earth view aliens as different, abnormal and non-human creatures, but if there are other species out there, then they will probably view us as the 'aliens'. But, only time will tell, if there are other species out there or not, and who knows if we will be alive when that fact is proven.

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I'd like to stay passive on this subject and not go exploring for aliens, because it would be a big waste of our money if there were no aliens anywhere reasonable close to us. mars is fine since nasa and people want to find samples and possible alternate forms of energy/ ways to terraform ect., but until we find evidence of an alien civilization we shouldn't investigate. If the alien civilization is hostile (like in SO many movies), then it would be better if we find out when they show themselves, so we will be more advanced, instead of us finding them.

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  • 4 months later...

Can any one truely answer that question? Who are we to claim that there are no other intelligent life forms out there? Have we on a whole ventured out into space and looked everywhere? How are we to ever know what all is out there? The most we can do is guess. I personally am neutral, there might be, there might not be. I do however doubt that "they" if they truely do exist, would look like any of the Hollywood style aliens. But then again who knows?

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When you start to think about just how big the universe is, it's nearly impossible to believe that we are completely alone. I refuse to believe that we have made any contact with aliens, or if we even ever will, but I DO think they exist. The universe is too big, and it's slightly big-headed of humans to think that Earth is the ONLY planet out of billions and billions and billions out there that can sustain life.

But those abduction stories? Pure bogus. We haven't made contact, and probably never will. But I do think they exist. Are they little green men? Who knows. Maybe yes, maybe no. (Probably not).

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