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Ok, I looked it up in search *metaphysics* and I found only four topics, none related, and when I searched purpose of life... apparently too many are trying to find a life here on this forum XD

But I want to take a special topic for my EE, the method of discovering one's life purpose... and well, how should I approach that? Like, originally my topic was to compare the differences between the religious and aesthetic view of what metaphysics is, and I probably will do that for this too...

Question is, how do I argue? Do I argue which one is right or wrong, or which one is better? Or do I argue which one is more relevant? And is there any other POV i can compare the two between with?

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Just to make sure you are doing a Philosophy EE right XD ?

Not physics.. :P just need to make sure, so you are not in the off direction hehe.

But you 100%, need to write from a detached tone. Analytical. You look at both views and discuss it it for the pros and cons that exist, always making sure you look at the negations.

I would have to say also, if you want a great essay, you should look at one aspect of religious and aesthetic existence.

Like if I was writing about the supernatural in house of spirits and scarlet letter, I would be better off trying to be more concise by looking at the natural aspects of the supernatural (those in the environment). Or how colors are used to amplify the notion of supernatural in both of the books.

you get the point? Be more specific. One example in each to look at XD:D

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Oh, interesting... Thanks!

So take no sides and just discuss the pros or cons between the two by providing examples?


So I can maybe try doing supernatural examples? :P it interests me very much XD

Also, I may want to do scientific instead of aethistic, because as far as I know at the current moment, there is no reasonable explanation for anything supernatural... there may be reasons in science though XD

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