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Religion is a blanket for people that want answers


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Guest dragonb111
You seem to know God fairly well. As if you two are in regular contact or something. Has he actually spoken to you personally, then? Because that would be pretty cool.

Tell you the truth, I'm as far away from God as I've ever been. I speak on these religion forums out of anger and personally, I really don't know if He's truly talked to me or has given me ideas. I agree that would be pretty cool :) Thanks. If anything, I believe God has spoken to me through you...you've given me encouragement to keep trying. Thanks.

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We pray for our churches. I'm not talking about present times. Our disciples were thrown in jail for preaching. That's all. You wanna tell me why? The people couldn't understand what they were saying! My comment made you sick? Yours makes me even more sick! I'm not just talking about the present. I'm talking about the past too you know!

I think we can all agree that Christians are still a bit ahead on the throw-in-jail-torture-or-kill-people count... I'm thinking crusades and the inquisition here, by the way...

Thanks. If anything, I believe God has spoken to me through you...you've given me encouragement to keep trying. Thanks.

Aha! So IBSurvival is part of his big plan! Does that get us free Google ads? Does it??

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Guest dragonb111
I think we can all agree that Christians are still a bit ahead on the throw-in-jail-torture-or-kill-people count... I'm thinking crusades and the inquisition here, by the way...

Aha! So IBSurvival is part of his big plan! Does that get us free Google ads? Does it??

I'd say they're about even though.

and what? free google ads? what? That reply was to Mr. Shiver-I guess that the first part makes sense...the second part has me baffled...

See this is what I find so strange about religious people. For every decent argument someone makes, the answer is always "but God could do it this way" or "how do you know the length of the day applies to God?"

Fine then, state your argument and I'll try to answer it the best way I can without those statements then. I believe that as long as I have faith, there's no need to worry about that. I just can't get cocky. So please ask. If you get no answer, then...it's beyond my human knowledge. That's all I can say for those kinds of questions.

For instance, can God create a rock He cannot lift? I cannot answer that, but God can. In another instance, the pharisees trapped Jesus in a lose-lose situation when they asked Him to pay taxes to ceasar. He answered "Give God what is God's and give Ceasar's what is his" or something like that. He got Himself out of it. He would be able to explain everything to you, but I have limited knowledge. If I can't answer your questions, pray to God and He will. You just have to listen.

we ALL know that "god" didn't write the bible. so it wouldn't be god's perspective of day.. it would be one of the more than forty writers who wrote the bible. having said that, the writer's perspective of day would be just like ours proving that the day that the writer mentioned would be 24 hours.

say i give in to your argument, i still find it surreal that the world would be created in 7 days- even seven 100+ hour days. let's say one day has 150 hours, 1150x7= 1050 hours. that is still very surreal.

i find the way you view the bible very inconsistent. the things you agree with and can defend- you take literally. however, the things you don't agree with and can't defend- you automatically say that it must be taken differently.

when i study math or almost any subject for that matter (except when studying figurative speeches in english), i don't pick the parts i understand and take it literally and assume the parts i don't understand should be taken figuratively because that would be stupid. why should a different standard be applied when studying the bible?

That's how the Bible works man. God speaks literally and figuratively. I'm just telling you people what I learned the past year. No literally. I spent all of last year studying the Old Testament...Give me an example of how I take the things I don't agree with and can't defent differently please. We'll see what happens.

Also. Keep in mind that God spoke and there was light. Unless He spoke in paragraphs to create that, He wouldn't need that 100+ hour day.

edit: Merged posts -deissi

Edited by deissi
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On you past post you mentioned the book of revelations and you seem to take literally what it says:

what the fuss is? how about the book of revelation chapter 6,7,8,9. That tells you what happens after the rapture (which could be tomorrow for all we know). That's the fuss. That's for the future. Right now, you can learn how to live, act, and what to do in all situations. The Bible is a guide for living!

but when i asked you regarding the amount of time the world was made you responded with:

For all we know, it could've been 100+ hour days.

not taking the bible literally now.. eh?

Also. Keep in mind that God spoke and there was light. Unless He spoke in paragraphs to create that, He wouldn't need that 100+ hour day.

it's obvious your contradicting yourself at this point. you were hte one who proposed the 100+ day thing.

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Yea I agree with Caitlin.

Religion is something people should use to make the right decisions in life. For example if someone wanted to go to heaven they would try to commit acts of goodness or something along the lines of that.

Personally I would never use religion to explain what is going on with the world. I would never believe that God created the world or flooded the world to rid all the sinners.

IMO... I believe there is something up there...

You are right about one thing, there is a God. But the rest is not completely accurate. as a Christian, and I speak for all real Christians, we do not rely on good deeds to get iinto the kingdom of heaven. That is a common misunderstanding. We KNOW that us getting into Heaven relys on our relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, the true Son of GOD. We are ordered by Jesus to live a life as he did, as perfect as possible. We are only human and will sin, but we are ment to do our best not to sin. Jesus DID come to our earth as a human many thousands of years ago. He came to preach His word to all who would listen. And He never sinned or did anything wrong, yet, he was crucified on a cross after being whipped, hit, mocked, and beaten for hours upon hours upon end. He died on Golgotha. (when translated, means "pplace of the skull.") If you don't believe me, read the Bible, OR, the Roman historian of the time of Jesus' life and death Josehpus Flavias, who's job was to redord all the history in that time recorded the death of JESUS. Look it up online if you don't believe me. If you don't believe that God created the universe, then what did? The big bang? Read the first law of Thermal Dynamics. It states that "Matter cannot creat itself." In other words, it cannot be created from nothing. The universe could not have always existed, niether could the earth. The second law of Thermal Dynamics stresses that nothing that has heat and cold could have always existed. The tempretures would balance and heat and cold would not exist. You can test this, Take a cup of coffie and ice water and leave it in a room at room temp. for a few hours. Both cups will soon be the same temperature. Now, on to the flood. Go to google and look up Red Sea Crossing. Scientists have found chariot wheels on the sea floor, exactally the same as ancient Egyptian charoit wheels were found. They are ancient Egpytian. and the Bible says that God broke the wheels of the Egyptian's chariots. The scientists have also found chariots under the Red Sea. How else would they be there? Also, scientist and palietologists have found fish fossils on top of some of the worlds largest mountains. How would thet be there? think about it and God bless you all.

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Jesus DID come to our earth as a human many thousands of years ago. He came to preach His word to all who would listen. And He never sinned or did anything wrong, yet, he was crucified on a cross after being whipped, hit, mocked, and beaten for hours upon hours upon end....If you don't believe me, read the Bible, OR, the Roman historian of the time of Jesus' life and death Josehpus Flavias, who's job was to redord all the history in that time recorded the death of JESUS.

Josephus Flavias was a roman historian. In Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews appears the notorious passage regarding Christ called the "Testimonium Flavianum" ("TF"):

"Now, there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works,--a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day." (Whitson, 379)

This surprisingly brief and simplistic passage constitutes the "best proof" of Jesus's existence in the entire ancient non-Christian library comprising the works of dozens of historians, writers, philosophers, politicians and others who never mentioned the great sage and wonderworker Jesus Christ, even though they lived contemporaneously with or shortly after the Christian savior's purported advent.

Despite the best wishes of sincere believers and the erroneous claims of truculent apologists, the Testimonium Flavianum has been demonstrated continually over the centuries to be a forgery, likely interpolated by Catholic Church historian Eusebius in the fourth century. So thorough and universal has been this debunking that very few scholars of repute continued to cite the passage after the turn of the 19th century. Indeed, the TF was rarely mentioned, except to note that it was a forgery, and numerous books by a variety of authorities over a period of 200 or so years basically took it for granted that the Testimonium Flavianum in its entirety was spurious, an interpolation and a forgery.

Is there any other proof other than this and the bible? If this man is supposedly as great as what the bible says, there must be other sources.

If you don't believe that God created the universe, then what did? The big bang? Read the first law of Thermal Dynamics. It states that "Matter cannot creat itself." In other words, it cannot be created from nothing. The universe could not have always existed, niether could the earth. The second law of Thermal Dynamics stresses that nothing that has heat and cold could have always existed. The tempretures would balance and heat and cold would not exist. You can test this, Take a cup of coffie and ice water and leave it in a room at room temp. for a few hours. Both cups will soon be the same temperature.

I always run into this argument and my question is why does the lack of evidence suggest to you that it must be god who made it? do you have any scientific proof that an all knowing omniscient being created the universe? It amazes me that you think the big bang theory is unbelievable and unscientific when you believe that the world was created by some being "magically"- that the whole universe was made by just one person without any help. that sounds more surreal to me.

Go to google and look up Red Sea Crossing. Scientists have found chariot wheels on the sea floor, exactally the same as ancient Egyptian charoit wheels were found. They are ancient Egpytian. and the Bible says that God broke the wheels of the Egyptian's chariots. The scientists have also found chariots under the Red Sea. How else would they be there?

I'm guessing that your referring to Ron Wyatt here who claimed that he saw such items in his excavation. However, we must also consider the source. Ron Wyatt is not credible because hee is not even an archeologist. He has no training nor does he have a professional position in that field. His claims are dismissed by scientists, historians, biblical scholars and most Christian leaders even in his own Seventh-day Adventist Church. He, actually, only continues to be quoted on the Internet.

In fact, archaeologist Joe Zias of Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has stated that "Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. ... [His claims] fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer, Sun etc."

Also, scientist and palietologists have found fish fossils on top of some of the worlds largest mountains. How would thet be there?

This can be explained by how the sediments accumulate, the continental shelves and of course, continental drift. I would love to explain to you how this works but i guess you can just google it.

This is pretty lengthy. I just wanted to cover everything. so yeah. this is it.

Edited by purplestarfish
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Bravo purplestarfish! There's no point arguing about this with people who are so close minded. They don't have enoug common sense. If you keep pushing the issue its gonna come to an end when someone like Sold Out Christian says: "It's Faith". Because apparently that's their biggest evidence of all...actually their only evidence ;) And all religious points of view have flaws and contradictions, always. The bible itself is a mess of contradictions.

Answer me this, Sold Out Christian, If Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth, does that mean it's ok to have sex between brothers? How else was the Earth populated if Adam and Eve's sons and daughters didn't have sex with each other?

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it's not about religion.

there is a god, and there is a heaven. heaven is perfect. we're not.

God loves us.

God came down in the form of man (jesus) to pay the price that we couldn't pay to get to heaven.

It's not about being good. No one's 'good' enough. We've all messed up.

The answer is not religion. It's not Christianity. It's Jesus Christ.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -Jesus

We are faced with a simple decision. We either believe that Jesus was a liar, Jesus was crazy, or Jesus Christ is the living son of God. I believe... and I am free.

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it's not about religion.

there is a god, and there is a heaven. heaven is perfect. we're not.

first sentence: true

second sentence: maybe and maybe

third sentence: how do you know and how do you know?

fourth: why and how and the hell do you know?

fifth: that's a lovely children's story which i bet you can prove any day...right?

sixth sentence: fine

seventh sentence: no one's good enough? who gave you the power to declare that about humanity?

eight: the answer is not religion, true, and it's not christianity either, but it's definetaly not jesus either.

ninth: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -Jesus. Really? Jesus said that? A little bit arrogant to be a saint aint he?

Last: "Jesus Christ is the living son of God"? i think Jesus isn't the only one who should be acused of being crazy. And as far as you being free? you're pure evil according to your own words, shouldn't you be tied down by your sins until you die? How could you possible be free?

in conclusion, prove to me one of those acusations and i'll become a firm believer of whichever ficticious character you want me to believe in.

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We are faced with a simple decision. We either believe that Jesus was a liar, Jesus was crazy, or Jesus Christ is the living son of God. I believe... and I am free.

Or he never existed? Please come up with credible sources to prove his existance instead of just saying "historians have proved his existance."

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these topics are not even worth commenting on anymore... I accept you religion whatever it is

but just think twice about convincing others, as most people here do NOT have the skill to do so

you base you arguments on flawed data, often even missinterpreted, and in the end you just say that

"well i believe thus i am better than you" ?? atleast i get that feeling. Maybe there is a god, and maybe there isn't

and yes if there is only faith seems to make the difference, because there seems to be no real proof of god.

Even if you could say prove that jesus existed, that wouldn't make the stuff written in the bible true.

If jesus existed then maybe he was an extraordinary man, but how would we know? nothing that is written would give

and acurate description of what happend in my opinion. So just leave this discussion and believe whatever you want...

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