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TykeDragon last won the day on January 5 2023

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About TykeDragon

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    May 2013
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  1. Hello everybody, I made the silly choice of taking Japanese B SL after achieving an A* in Year 10. I am now in Year 13, however the bane of my IB diploma is Japanese, in which I am struggling to achieve a 6! Now, I don't really expect it but I would like a 7. But my biggest question is if it is possible, and how on earth to achieve it? I'm at my wit's end with Japanese. Not sure if this is any different to other languages, but it is Paper 1 /40; Paper 2 /25; Written Assignment /25; Group Oral /10; Individual Oral /20. This language is really pulling me down. I struggle to achieve 50% on the paper one as we are not taught as much as 25% of the kanji that come up on the paper, and it becomes guess work! My paper 2s are my best aspect, and I get decent 6s but cannot seem/don't know how to push them up to 7s. Same goes for the written assignment. As for my orals, I seem to blank under the teacher's stare and mess up - I achieve 5s in my individual orals, and only have a couple of chances left to redeem them. Does anyone know how to get 15+/20 instead of 10/20? :/ Fortunately for the group oral though, I have a good 8/10 from one we have already done that was done in controlled conditions so can be counted - thank God! Any advice or encouragement needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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