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Europe and the Islamic World

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Notes on the history of Europe and the Islamic World

27 files

  1. Hitler-Stalin Power Consolidation

    Notes on the power treaty between Hitler and Stalin


  2. Peacemaking, Peacekeeping and international relations Details and Quotes

    A Collection of Details (stats, dates etc) and Quotes (Historiography) on 'Peacemaking, Peacekeeping and international relations'


  3. Submitted

  4. Submitted

  5. Spanish Civil War Causes+ Effects & Foreign Intervention Reasons + Results

    Notes on the causes of the Spanish civil war and the results.
    Also included are the reasons for foreign intervention, and the impact of the foreign intervention.
    Several historian views are included throughout the document.
    This is good for revision not if you are just learning about the Spanish civil war right at this moment.


  6. Arab-Israeli Wars 1948-1973

    Brief notes on the Causes, Events and Consequences of the four main Arab-Israeli wars. Written as revision, so very brief.
    The wars:
    War of Independence - 1948/9
    Suez Crisis - 1956
    6 Day War - 1967
    Yom Kippur - 1973


  7. Mussolini's domestic policies: Young people, Women, Ethnics

    Notes on Mussolini's domestic policies in Fascist Italy - imposing Fascist values on youths and women, radicalisation of the regime in the late 1930s (including the Reform of Customs, Anti-semitism). There is only little of factual statistics and no historiography
    John Hite, Chris Hinton, Fascist Italy, 2008


  8. Submitted

  9. Updated

  10. Stalin & USSR Notes

    A detailed summary of Authoritarian and Single Party States...Stalin Style


  11. Terms to Know Concerning Communism

    These are vital terms to know before starting to study about Communism. They are terms that the historian Norman Davies continuously utilizes and they are constantly reoccurring in the IB Companion and other historiography.


  12. Russian Revolution Details and Quotes

    A collection of details and quotes on the Russian Revolution from the Alexanders to the Civil war.
    Imperative for any essay on the Russian Revolution.


  13. Weimar and Nazi Germany Notes (in Bullet Point Form)

    Weimar and Nazi Germany Notes
    Goes up to 1939


  14. Nationalist and independence movements

    These are my class notes, personal notes, arguments developed on my own, in class and analyzed form various sources (such as various historiography) on the IB Companion and useful historiography from various chapter in books on the topic from the IB Companion titled: Nationalist and independence movements in post-1945 Central and Eastern European states..


  15. Submitted

  16. European History Notes

    European History Notes from "A History of the Modern World." Covers a lot of IB HL History 1 - it's the book we use in our IB History 1 class.


  17. Submitted

  18. Arab-Israeli Conflict Notes

    3-page, concise cram packet for IB History HL Paper 1: Arab-Israeli Conflict. Bullet points are modeled after the IBO criteria. Not designed to be a comprehensive review, but rather an effective studying tool.


  19. European History Notes part 2

    More notes from the Palmer textbook "A History of the Modern World," which we use in our IB HL History 1 class. Also covers some Russia and Asia.


  20. Submitted

  21. Submitted

  22. The Rise of Napoleon

    Notes on how Napoleon rose to power in chart form.


  23. Reasons for Italian Expansionism in the 1930s

    Brief notes on reasons for Italian expansionism in the 1930s.
    Done for History SL - Move to Global War.


  24. Failure of collective security sources and essay plans

    Essay plan on failure of collective security following WW1
    Sources from historians.


  25. Reforms of the Clubs (French Revolution)

    Table of notes on the various reforms of the French Revolutionary Clubs.


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