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Sample labs

47 files

  1. Acceleration down an incline (Physics IA)

    DCP and CE Lab. Objective was to find a relationship between distance and velocity of a cart.
    Here are the mark breakdowns:
    Data Collection and Processing (5/6)
    Aspect 1: 2/2
    Aspect 2: 2/2
    Aspect 3: 1/2
    Conclusion and Evaluation (4/6)
    Aspect 1: 1/2
    Aspect 2: 2/2
    Aspect 3: 1/2


  2. Aerodynamics mini IA-Physics HL

    This is an IA that was written to prepare for the actual Physics IA. The final criteria D has been altered to include just the main points which is not the same for the actual IA. I created my own experiment and a "wind tunnel" trying to prove if changing the angle of attack of affects the generation of lift in a wing of an airplane. 


  3. Aluminum

    Identifying whether Aluminium foil is made of pure Aluminium


  4. Assorted Full Labs

    Snell's Law Lab, Water Falling Lab, and Spring Lab


  5. Bunjee Jumping

    Investigation of one safety aspect of bungee jumping


  6. chem lab Reaction of hydrogen peroxide and Manganese dioxide catalyst

    Reaction of hydrogen peroxide and Manganese dioxide catalyst


  7. Circular Motion

    Circular motion Lab
    Purpose: To find a relationship between the period of rotation (T) and the length of the string (L)


  8. coeffiecent of friction

    this for topic 2 motion and this was graded on criteria c and d 
    grade- 6 


  9. DC&P Lab- 6/6

    The Data Collection and Processing aspect of a HL physics lab on the photoelectric effect. Although the topic is higher level, the general layout of lab reports is the same for both standard and higher level assessments. This was moderated in the November 2013 exam session and received full marks. The research question (which I'm not sure if I stated it in the actual file) was "How does the frequency of light affect the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons?"


  10. Density of Metal and Non-metal--annotated lab

    Density of Metal and Non-metal


  11. Design Lab - Cantilever Deflection

    I'm not sure the exact score I received on this, but I scored a 7 overall on HL Physics. My unmoderated IA scores were in the projected 6-7 range from what I remember.


  12. Design Lab - Superperiod of a Complex Pendulum

    I'm not sure the exact score I received on this, but I scored a 7 overall on HL Physics. My unmoderated IA scores were in the projected 6-7 range from what I remember.


  13. Design Lab, Rate of Outflow

    Practice Design: an investigation of how the size of leak affects the rate of outflow.
    Predicted Grade: 7 (internally marked)


  14. Design Lab: How does the velocity of an object affect its momentum.

    Practice Design: how the velocity of an object travelling a specific distance affects that object's momentum.
    Predicted Grade: 7 (internally marked)


  15. Design Lab: Squash Ball

    Physics Standard Level Design Lab
    Investigation: Demonstrate the relationship between the function of a squash ball and the ball’s temperature.
    Grade awarded: 6/7


  16. Example Lab: Calculating Spring Constant

    Good example of a lab with experimental data that does not match the theoretical data at all.
    Includes comments from teacher and an example of deriving the needed equation from equations given in the data booklet. Also includes a sample force diagram. Received 51/53 class score for demonstrating physics concepts and using proper lab format with a good conclusion.
    May be a helpful reference for when your IA data does not match up with expected results.


  17. Example SL IA: Power Output of Solar Cell

    This lab has been submitted and graded by IBO. It received a perfect score in all categories.
    Research Question: How does changing the angle of incidence of light affect the power output of a solar panel?
    Includes calculations, graphs, steps to linearize data, and a conclusion to an inconclusive lab. Good example for when you don't get your predicted results from the lab.


  18. Heat of Vaporization

    Investigating the latent heat of vaporisation of water


  19. Helicopter Paper Clip Design, DCP, CE lab

    Sample lab that contains all three Design, DCP and CE labs for the experiment in one


  20. HL Designing an experiment using a ball

    An HL design experiment on mechanics using a ping pong ball.


  21. HL Designing an experiment using water

    A HL Lab Report designed using water. Awarded a 7.


  22. Hooke's Law Lab

    Typical IB Lab, perfect for DCP with a good Conclusion
    DCP: 6/6
    CE: 5/6


  23. Inverse Square Law Lab

    Physics Standard Level Lab Report
    Investigation: Determine the relationship between the count rate and distance using a laboratory gamma radiation source.
    Grade awarded: 5/7


  24. Investigating the Change in Acceleration of a Trolley Running Down an Inclined Plane, LAB REPORT

    Just an example lab report about Investigating the Change in Acceleration of a Trolley
    Running Down an Inclined Plane . It's physics teacher support material, so it is valid.


  25. Measuring the acceleration due to Gravity

    The objective of this lab was to find an experimental value for the acceleration due to gravity. DCP and CE Lab.
    Mark breakdowns:
    Data Collection and Processing (5/6)
    Aspect 1: 1/2
    Aspect 2: 2/2
    Aspect 3: 2/2
    Conclusion and Evaluation (6/6)
    Aspect 1: 2/2
    Aspect 2: 2/2
    Aspect 3: 2/2


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