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Notes, sample essays and other useful information for IB Philosophy

32 files

  1. Forms of Government.docx

    Forms of Government.docx


  2. Descartes, Plato and Rationalism

    Notes for Descartes and Plato


  3. Descartes Dualism

    Notes for Descartes


  4. Descartes' Cogito

    Notes for Descartes


  5. exmas - Google Docs.pdf

    exmas - Google Docs.pdf


  6. Political Philosophy Essay

    Essay for IB Philosophy on Optional Theme 7: Political Philosophy in terms of the right role of civil society in relation to the state and government.


  7. Submitted

  8. Hobbes and Rousseau Comparison (in Spanish)

    escrito comparativo entre Hobbes y Rousseau.


  9. Philosophy IA - External authority and morality

    "Can morality remain meaningful if based on an external authority?"
    Final grade: 7
    Word count: 1882


  10. Free will & determinism powerpoint & sample essay

    File contains two parts:
    1. Brief powerpoint with basic definitions on the subject of Free Will & Determinism
    2. A sample essay in response to a stimulus for the core theme.


  11. Paper 3 Preparation Powerpoint

    Powerpoint document suggesting some general pointers for preparing for Paper 3


  12. Submitted

  13. No Exit sartre

    Overview of the existentialist work "No exit" by Sartre. Use it if you want to understand more about the text or if you are unclear about it.


  14. Philosophy

    Useful file for existentialism- core theme essay for Paper 1.


  15. Technological Determinism

    A short overview of determinism, useful in Paper 1- Core Theme Essay


  16. IB Philosophy -Absurdity

    Just a short powerpoint going through the key things in absurdity for the core module


  17. How to write unseen: Philosophy Paper 3

    A short guide containing information on how to write the essay on the unseen passage for Paper 3 in the IB Philosophy exams. Strongly recommended for all IB Philosophy students!


  18. Philosophy: How to write core - Paper 1

    A guide on how to write Paper 1 on core topics for IB Philosophy; both HL/SL.


  19. Coretopics Outline

    A short PDF outlining the topics that are covered in the Core Topics-part of the IB Philosophy HL/SL course.


  20. Ethics Option - Critically Assess the Claim That Moral Judgements Have Meaning & Value Only if They Are Based on the Current Trends of the Majority

    This is an essay I handed in as an end of topic test in the middle of IB1. I got a level 7 on it, so decided to share it with everyone. I focussed on utilitarianism, and used various examples to demonstrate my points.


  21. Updated

  22. The Tao- Governance

    The Tao: Governance


  23. Faith and Philosophy HL

    Faith and Philosophy
    Philosophers POV


  24. morality is relative

    'Morality is relative' - evaluate this claim


  25. Does the soul exist?

    An essay asking 'what is a soul?'
    level 7


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