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IA (looking for an article) International Economics

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well I know that finding an article for Econs IA is extremely hard, but you still need to put in your best effort to find a PERFECT article.

some tips to find articles online:

find a newspaper website. then, search in a particular website. use google! type this:

site:(url) (keyword(s))

for example:

site:thejakartaglobe.com demand price

site:bbc.co.uk subsidy supply

I have not learnt International Econs yet, still in section 2 (Microeconomics) so I do not know what kind of keywords you might need to put there.

after you find an article, ask yourself these questions:

is there any problem in the article?

did the government do anything about it?

what are the economic concepts related to this article?

what economic terms would you need to define?

what can you evaluate?

do not forget to convert it to a PDF just in case if you need to go back and have a look at it again

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I actually just did my commentary on International Economics :) If it doesn't have to be on Protectionism/Free trade exchange rates are fairly easy to do (keywords you can use include the value of euro/pound/dollad/any other currency), and the current situation with Chinese exchange rates is really good. Remember to pick a sufficiently short article with as little economic analysis as possible! II like using Google News myself so that you can look from several news sources easily. A good thing to do might be to google for some specific protectionist measure (eg. tariff, quota) and see if you can find anything on them.

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