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History or Economics: which one is the easiest to get a high grade in?


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I'm having problems choosing between History and Economics at higher level.

I think both subjects are interesting and I guess I'm as good at history as I am at economics.

In my case, what would you say would be the best course for me to choose if I want to obtain a grade as high as possible?

Also, have in mind that by the time that I start the IB there will have been some changes made to the history syllabus... the IBO will just add more material! :P

Edited by stylusdef
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http://www.ibo.org/facts/statbulletin/ You might want to take a look at this IB statistical bulletin:

According to it, the mean grade for Economics is 5.06, 13% of candidates getting a 7 and 24% get a 6. For History of Europe HL the mean grade is 4.97, and 10% get a 7, 22% get a 6. So statistically they're quite even, Economics being the easier of them though.

In practice, Economics is a lot easier, the workload is half of what History students do - simply because the material that has to be covered for History is so broad. Economics, on the other hand, covers a narrower variety of topics, but requires more 'understanding' than History. This, however, does not mean that by only reading you could get a 7 in History - you also need to understand what you read!

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Deissi, your last point about more stuff being covered in history is a bit dubious. If you're teacher is clever (and your class willing to go along him/her) you could get by just studying one or two topics very well and doing all of your exams based on them. For example you can use Russia in the first half of 20th century basicly in all 3 papers (supposing you have HL), and only need to cover a couple of additional topics.

Economics at least to my knowledge is more about learning concepts and applying them, but then again I'm not studying economics.

I wouldn't necessaricly choose the one others say is easier, because it really depends on you. Either take the one that interests you more, or the one you consider more useful for your future studies. It's always easier to do well on a subject that you actually like than on one that you don't (in the end, don't we study for the knowledge/information, not for the grades :P ). If your school allows you (at least ours does) you might want to take both in the beginning and see which you enjoy more/are better at.

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Since it seems pretty much split in easiness you should look at what will be of more use in the future. Do you plan on goinging into something that uses history or something that could benefit from Economic knoledge. If you wont use either then go with Economics. It seems so much more interesting.




To bad my school doesnt offer it. ><

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