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Global Warming


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Talking about global warming, I remember this question being asked during my medical interview with IUMC recently.

I guess this is a really serious matter now. Even I can feel it in my country. It was so hot during the day. I am living in the tropical country at the equatorial region. Just imagine how hot it is. Four seasons country may not feel the hot so much as mention by the interviewer to me who comes from Ireland.

Everyone should take action to save the world. Even a small contribution will do. For a start, just tell your friends next door that the world is at risk of global warming.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually don't believe that "global warming" exists. I believe that there is climate change. I believe this climate change is not created by humans and t was going to occur regardless of our existence, but either way, we are still trying to find solutions to reverse the effects this drastic weather change that has affected the global community.

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Global Warming ! Wow big topic, what do I think about it?

I don't think anyone cares. ( well before I read all the other posts)

but seriously, I see no changes, people have been warned about this but we still don't see any actions!

pretty sad reality really.

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all i can say is, the future generations are screwed with the way things are going now. global warming is definitely occuring (i've always believed in science so god's doing is out of the question here - sorry if that offends anyone) and there is no doubt that it will continue. it is considered to be part of a natural process, it's just that our contribution happened to speed up the process alot faster than it should be.

this is reality, but what i do find frustrating is that there are so many other natural resources that can be utilised to give us limitless energy (solar, wind, geothermal etc), literally! the greed that drives the oil business is just argh! there are all these other alternatives! it's just that they've never been properly considered till now, when it's already to late.

oh well, just have to sit through it and see how everything plays out. it's the people at the top that are playing the cards afterall~

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The physics teacher on our school ( he has a Phd in astrophysics) says that he does not believe in global warming at all!

I say: I have no idea (and no one else have)


My physics teacher says that too! He's a "real" rocket scientist - his other job is building rockets, which is pretty cool. Maybe there's a correlation?

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I don't think it's necessarily global warming but our climate is definitely changing as a result of human behaviours. There can't be ANYTHING good resulting from our rapid depletion of our natural resources. I believe that we are DEFINITELY negatively affecting our environment. However, the extent to which some scientists claim that we are doing it seems to be a little overexaggerated. I don't think we'll be gone any time soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel the effects of global warming here (I think the point is that it's OVERALL warming rather than warming everywhere... some places will get colder, others warmer, overall it's warmer). We have increased flooding, sea levels rising, cliffs crumbling into the sea etc. Very hot summers, weird weather, increased storms...

We may actually be set to get colder if global temperatures rise and disrupt the gulf stream.

I don't feel I can say any more than anybody else (who knows?!) but IF this is caused by us, I see no reason to not take precautions! Why would anybody want to be foolhardy about something this serious?

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Here's what I say. The earth is heating up. There plenty of numbers from plenty of places to make myself feel confident enough that the earth is getting hotter. It's nothing drastic, less than a degree a year on average (more in some areas less in others). I dont feel like whether it's happening is really te question that should be up for debate. Science tells us it is. It should be more something along the lines of whether its getting hotter naturally or because of human actions. Or even what are we goign to do about it? We cant reverse it. The earth is too large to be able to do that, but there are things which (if you believe the cause is human) that you can do to slow it down.

Eventually the heat is going to cause some of the antarctic ice to melt (artic ice wont make as much of a change. It'll change the salinity of the water, but not the water level because most of its already floating. The salinity wont increase global warning btu it will change hte weater patterns quite a bit.) When the antarctic ice melts and falls into the sea the water level will rise and much of the low-lying land by the waters edge will be underwater, washing out a large (depending on how far sea level rises) number of homes. People are going to need to move more inland or learn to breath under water. Even if the ocean only rises a few feet a lot of places are lying less than three feet above sea level. It'll cause problems with overcrowding in some areas. I dont knwo what to do about it, btu I feel something must be done. Things are already pretty crowded in some place.

I could look up some real numbers for all of this, but honestly, I'm too lazy. Eventually I probably will. This has gone into and out of my head a few times in the past few months. When i have more free time I'll get around to it.

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Global Warming is hapening for sure..Look around it hasnt snowed this year or snowed too muchh

Not everyone can look aroundand see that. I've had hte snowiest winter of my life. I've lived in the same general area for my whole life. There has been snow on the ground every day from dec. 29th to march 4th. each time the snow was about half melted it snowed again dropping another half a foot. Most years we have snow on te ground maybe two or three days per winter, and usually not more than three inches at once.

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Anybody watched 'An inconvenient truth'?

Besides the fact that some people think its just Al gore still somewhat complaining about those elections, it is pretty interesting. He shows alot of interesting proofs by graphs and stuff, dealing with the CO2 level that nevr got as high as it is now in the history of the earth. Also about the melting of water and the disappearance of land of certain island due to the increase of water levels.

I kind of don't see how some people don't believe in Global Warming.

It snowed in certain areas of Oman this year, very odd. It's a very hot country and one on the equator as well, so you can imagine. Also it snowed in MANY places in my home country Tunisia where it usually snows on mountains only. This year snow was seen almost everywhere in the northern part. This isn't really normal.

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i think that its all on a cycle.

because we were looking at it in Biology the other day

and if you look back far enough you can see similar fluctuations..

it goes super high then down into a ice-age.

whilst i hope this doesnt happen!

but it could be what nature intends.

Very true.

Cows are warming the earth more than cars. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?News...Cr1=environment

For sure humans have made the environment worse by industrialization, but "global warming" is just a natural cycle. We have only sped up "global warming" a bit more, that's all. After few hundred years there will be a mini-ice age again.

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