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Art Interactive Workbooks


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Look at this thread :

Should solve most of your problems.

If you're done with the workbook pages for all your studio works, you can research artists and investigate their style of artwork, and make connections between his/her pieces. Alternatively you can pick an art form that you have (or plan to) incorporate in your future studio works, then you can research artists who have already experimented with those techniques. You can have several 'experiment' pages in which you can try and imitate techniques used by these artists and try to mix them together ( use a technique than an artist has used to achieve something, but use different media... like if the original artwork is in watercolour, then maybe you can use glass paints or photo ink, etc.)

If you have time, visit your local art gallery. It'll introduce you to new artists and art forms that you didnt know existed, give you new ideas for SWs, and give you something to write in your IWB. You don't just have to write about the artists and the artwork, but you can also comment on the arrangement of pieces, the visual first impression that you get when you first enter the hall - how is it effective- Is it placed so that a particular artwork screams out for attention? How does just the layout allow for audience participation? How is space used? Do you like it? etc etc.

Try and see if someone famous is having an exhibition there - like I was lucky enough to visit Anish Kapoor's exhibition - which had all his working models and initial plans, as well as some sketches which showed his development of ideas. If you can get to one of these exhibitions, you can reflect on the artist's working process and compare it to yours - how is it similar - how different? How does it make his processes more effective than yours? And then you can apply this in your future works.

One other thing that I'm doing is, I'm researching a lot of different kinds of art forms, and trying to use them all. Like, I just finished researching comics, and now I'm turning the rest of my IWB into one - that way, I can also use my IWB as a studio work (:

Even though I have yet to start senior year, I have already started planning where my exhibition would be, because I need a large space - about two floors with a staircase. And the SW that I'm working on is like an interactive thing with videos and sounds and paintings and it makes use of a lot of motion sensors - a lot of my IWB pages get taken up by research about the different kinds of motion sensors involved etc. Maybe you can investigate the technicalities of media and surfaces. You can compare 2 media, like which gives stronger yet more transluscent colour on watercolour paper - cloth die or photo ink? If working with glass paints, can a glue gun be used to replace the glass liner? Or, what is the purpose of wax in batik painting? Why can't any other material be used? Etc etc - the possibilities are limitless.

Maybe if you tell me your theme, I can give you slightly less general ideas :)

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