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I'm sharing my misfortunes in IB : )


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Hey all you IB kids out there! Hope you're all doing well in your first little while of school... and for all of you that haven't started yet, ENJOY IT (enough for both of us!) Anyways, I've decided to start a blog about the trials of day-to-day IB life in my final grade 12 year! I'd like to invite everyone to join in on the fun, comment on my struggles and follow the journey!

I intend the blog to be a sort of reassurance for everyone who's trying to make it through their IB years, and give hope to those who really need it : ) I wished that someone had a blog for me to follow during my initial years so I hope that someone may appreciate this! Follow me on the blog, thanks everyone! I only have one post so far, but I hope you'll stay tuned in the future!



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Awww what a great idea! I think it'll really help everyone, particularly those in the second year of IB as they see how so many others, not just their own friends and school etc are going through the same stressful road.

Also, sometimes we don't like admitting that we're stressed and behind etc, and I think your blog will help some of us come to terms with the fact that its okay to be stressed and pressurized and worried but all we have to do is hang in there and we will get to graduation in no time. This year flies by, guys, so I've been told. :)

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As long as it's IB related I don't see why not eciee. If the OP would like to discuss things in this thread as well I say go ahead. Our no advertising rule is mostly for people making profit out of using us to advertise. Thank you for your concern though :)

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