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It's already Sptember and still no results !


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Hello, I live in Mexico and my inquiry is about the timetables IB results are expected to be released at. All this comes from the fact that the students from my school (most of them my big friends) who coursed IB and finished it the last term, have been waiting for their results until now (already 5 month since examinations). I think it is insane. It is an issue of the school, the only excuse the have told them is that it is a minor problem related to the currency exchange. They say they had to pay for the IB rights in GBP (British pounds) and they paid it in USD. I believe it is an absolute scam !It is childish and makes no sense to me. Was it the only probem, it should have, by no means, taken them two and a half extra months ... and counting, to just give them the results. What are your thoughts on this ? This school's owner is certainly so greedy and mean, because they want us to pay the monthly 250 GBP fee painstakingly every first 5 days of the month, with no chances to delay, or else they increase it madly and don't let you access the school if you don't pay, plus they always find ways to drain extra money from us, such as expensive uniforms, expensive school materials and expensive accessories which are most of times of compulsory purchase, without counting the trips and high prices of food. In the other hand, the school is precariously equipped, located in a far and unsafe place, and the building is unfinished and bad looking. We stand all that only because we all dream with getting our IB diploma one day. There is only another school offering the IB in this city, and it is far more expensive than this, its year school rounds 6000 GBP. Compared to the average national income rate rounding 800 GBP a month (mid class people), it's fairly not affordable for us.

The point is that we do pay them exactly on agreed dates (because they ask our parents to sign a contract that almost includes their soul pawning, they even have a point that states that in case you write down from IB you have to pay a bill of 750 GBP aprox !). How ever there's no point in that contract that forces them to deliver our results on time. That's so unfair. It's so sad because their illusions were shattered, they couldn't apply for university, and they are just so sad attending language courses or reading. So, is there anything they could do like contacting IB and explaining them, suing, or something ? they are desperate because they might miss this new University application period if their diplomas are not awarded soon. How long should they normally take to issue them ? And what are your thoughts on all this ?

this is the info of the school http://ibo.org/school/002099/

Edited by pennywise256
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Unless your school is a private school, they should not be charging that much just for IB.

And the results are relatively simple to retrieve. Your IBC should have a list of student logins to give you so you can check the results online.

I would contact IBO to explain your situation and see if what your school is doing is legitimate.

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