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how good, and interested, are you in Japanese? Only take it at HL (as your fourth HL) if you are really really competent. It depends on what you are planning to do after high school as well. If you aren't an english or essay person, then maybe History isn't the best choice? It's hard and takes a lot of time, but it's worth it for many people because they love history. Does your school offer economics? Assuming, based on your wanting to do Math HL, that you are good at maths, economics would be a good subject for you. But just do what you enjoy, it makes studying (and good grades) that much easier!

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History is actually what all students have to take at my school. Neither geography nor economics are available, and psychology and philosophy can only be taken as sixth subjects. I am planning on studying psychology and biology at college. Hopefully this will lead to some sort of career in psychobiology, animal psychology, or neuroscience? Honestly, I'm not quite sure yet.

And I am one of the top students in Japanese right now. The only problem is that my school had only offered Japanese an initio in the past. I'm thinking they'll probably offer sl now, since the feeder middle school recently starting teaching Japanese. However, I'm not sure if they are qualified to teach HL. Don't you need seven prior years of study?

I am actually quite good at writing essays an English. I am just not interested in it as much as science.

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