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Advice on my historical investigation topic


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Hey guys. I am just looking for feedback on my current question to see if it is specific enough to score well.

"To what extent did the increase in illegal immigration from Mexico to the US during the 1990s contribute to the rise of Carlos Slim Helu?"

Additionally, I am from the US, and I am having trouble finding books about him. I know for a fact that there are tons out there, but I cant find any. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should use to research? Thanks a bunch!

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Additionally, I am from the US, and I am having trouble finding books about him. I know for a fact that there are tons out there, but I cant find any. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should use to research? Thanks a bunch!

If you read Spanish you might find this 315-page paperback useful:

Carlos Slim Retrato Inédito by Jose Martinez

(Published by Oceano in 2010)

Google will find you vendors and pdf downloads.

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Thank you, I will keep that in mind!

Another question, my paper talks about the importance of family in the Latino culture, should I include a letter from an undocumented immigrant to their family as a source to prove this is the case. Because I have evidence of the importance of family from another book, but I think it would be strengthened if I included the letter. Should I just quote the letter in the summary of evidence or include the entire thing as an appendix?

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