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IB Theatre HL PPP question


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So my PPP is due in a week, and I have made pretty good progress on it so far, but I was wondering. Basically we are graded on the process and of our development of ideas and how the performance and production elements relate. Now I am potentially the worst artist, and if I tried to sketch costumes, stage designs, blocking, movements etc.. I feel it would make section 2 much less coherent even if sketches may help the process. So I was wondering if I could use images that I found on the internet as long as I cite them. Any IB Theatre experts out there?

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Technically, you are allowed to use internet-found images and definitely cite them, but IB much prefers sketches. They do NOT have to be artistic. Mine was covered in stick figures, which worked perfectly fine. For stage design: you should include a sketch which could be entirely rectangles and circles and triangles that you label what they're supposed to be, and THEN put an image of more what you had in mind. For blocking and movements, drawing X's on your stage sketch and lines with arrows where they should go works. For costumes, have a rough stick figure with a rough idea of the clothes, and make sure to attach color samples and costume sketches next to it. Again, THEN put an online image to clarify. IB does not want perfection... they want to see the rough idea grow into perfection. For mine, I drew the worst, most rough picture of my set, and then later drew a different, more revised one, (and annotated as to why it was changing/evolving), and then attached the final, perfect copy. If you show your terrible art skills, it won't look like bad art, it will look like the initial brainstorm of the idea. Show the brainstorm. Then show the full developed concept. But make sure to explain in great detail WHY you chose each picture and how it evolved from your initial crappy stick figure.

You got this! Good luck.

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