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The IB and spoons.


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Welcome to the thread, and greetings! I am Frizzy! Consider me a human, a dinosaur, or even IB student. Possibly all three at the same time.

I have created this thread for a few reason. Firstly, I wanted to create a thread to help give and overview of what the IB is. Then there's the fact that today is speech day and I have nothing better to do (No chance to sit down and go full on with homework). And finally there's the fact that I let my mind wander and have found myself focussing quite a lot on kitchen utensils, specifically spoons.

So I thought to myself, "What if I could describe the entire IB using spoons!?"

And so I am here, doing my best to define each IB course using everyone's favourite table-side tool.

Economics- How cost efficient is it to produce more spoons into a spoon deprived market? How does the sale of spoons have an effect on the way money flows?

History- Where did spoon come from? Who invented the spoon? What effect did spoons have on World War II?

Chemistry- What is the chemical formula for the reaction that occurs when placing a spoon into H2SO4?

Physics- Explain how different shapes of spoon fall at different rates. Then give a full report on exactly what took place in each experiment.

Enviromental Systems & Societies- What is the effect of spoon production on pollutants? Would cutting spoon production aid against the environmental crisis?

Biology- Identify and cultivate the bacteria of an unwashed spoon used for breakfast. Study them over the course of the week then give an in-depth analysis.

ToK- Is a spoon really as spoon? How do we know that? When does a spoon stop being a spoon and become a knife?

That's all I got for now, speech day break just ended! See you all soon!

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Mathematics: If the rate at which a person moves the spoon towards their mouth is given by the function v(t) = x5 + x4 + x3 + e5x, calcuate the total amount of ice cream they eat with the spoon in five hours.

Visual arts: Do a 10 page investigation about spoons, find an artist who draws spoons, then create a 5m x 10m oil painting of said spoon

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^ I was writing about math but you beat me to it... :)

French Ab Initio: écrire au sujet de votre voyage à un restaurant français. Utilisez les vocabulaires que vous avez appris dans la leçon.

Literature: To spoon or not to spoon, that is the question...

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Philosophy - How can the spoon help us reach moral judgements?

Do we all perceive the spoon in the same way or does it exist only in our mind?

Extended Essay - To what extent does the word spoon reflect the shape of a spoon? - spoon studies

Creativity - build a sculpture of a spoon using 100 spoons

Action - run for 50 hours over 1.5 years making sure the egg never falls out of the spoon!

Service - Go to a primary school to educate the children about the wonder of spoons.

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English: What message was the author trying to convey through the metaphorical use of the spoon?

Maths Studies: If you know what this object is, you could easily 7 this class.

Français: Écrivez au moins que 150 mots sur la coutellerie. Il faut utiliser la vocabulaire vous avez appris en classe.

Biology: You must swab a school canteen spoon, and grow the bacteria found on it on an agar plate. You must then write a report of no less than 750 words on how the conditions of the school are for bacterial growth.

Philosophy: Could spoons ever be persons?

Psychology: With reference to at least one research study, evaluate the role of spoons in one mental process.

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