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How to evaluate assumptions from any psychological perspective?


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I'm revising for the Psych finals which are in 6 DAYS and i faced a problem...do any of you have a really efficient way of evaluating basic assumptions from any of the psychological perspectives? Ive never been really good at them and exactly now would be the good time to be able to do so...Thanks for your help and gluck studying!

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Advice: think about the infinitesimal factors that affect behaviour. It is impossible for any perspective to include EVERY factor that influences behaviour, so they have to be selective. As soon as you become selective in psychology your perspective begins to have serious limitations but also strengths. Social, cultural

Find 3 good things and 3 bad things about each assumption. Usually the good will lead to the bad and vice versa.

assumption - tabula rasa -> environmental determinism

STRENGTHS: replicable, verifiable, falsifiable, methodology is thus scientific
WEAKNESSES - biological innate behaviour is ignore (imprinting is ignored)
Implications of determinism - how do we identify a cause after the event has already occurred?
Reductionist approach - can all behaviour be solely explained in terms of the environment? What about culture, social, cognitive factors?

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First, remember to not confuse assumption and key concept. Then, what I usually do is that I think of the assumptions (make a list) and then I think of what says against and what supports it. For example, sometimes assumptions can be contradicting each other and sometimes, certain aspects of key concepts contradicts the assumption (for example - free will in humanistic. But there are certain aspects of the hiearchy of needs that can be viewed to be deterministic.). I also try to find support using what I know and if possible - using studies.

Another thing you can think of is if there are other perspectives that have similiar or contradicting assumptions. If so, you can use that whilst evaluating.

It's a bit tricky. I always find it easier to evaluate the actual perspective or key concept in general but good luck!

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