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Can I get kicked out of IB because I had an OCD episode?


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OK, this is really screwing with me.

I'm in year 1, and I have severe OCD that I'm on meds for. Now, a while back, I had this huge, huge worry that I - and I'm not making this up - molested someone at my elementary school when I was in grade 8. It was so bad that I went back to my old school, and asked if I did anything! They got the police involved and everything, and they assured me that there is no proof that I did anything wrong. But the school authorities contacted my current school, and told my vice principal and everyone, and now I'm in deep ****.

Basically, I have a meeting on Friday concerning something about an IEP. My dad says that, considering we have NO information about the IEP, there's the possibility that I'll get kicked out of IB to be in some special program. But I did some research, and found that the IEP can be rejected; we can't be forced to get one. Is that true?

Great. I joined IB because I wanted a challenge, and less than 5 months into it, I might have to drop it. -.-

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I would talk to your counselor about your IEP program. I have severe AD/HD and ALWAYS procrastinate. That's actually what I am doing right now.... Anyways, I have looked at getting an IEP and decided it would not fit ME. Instead, if I am having any trouble in classes, I can usually just go to the teacher and they will generally be willing to help accomodate me. My point is, you might not need an IEP...

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I think this whole elementary school unpleasantness is just a trigger for an IEP. If the school thinks that an Individual Education Plan is more helpful for you, it probably has more to do with the fact that they don't think you're getting everything you could out of mainstream teaching.

At boarding school, one of my roommates had a pretty bad case of ADHD and minor dyslexia. He was extremely intelligent and when he enjoyed a subject, he was rarely not at the top of his class. But he was so easily distracted and never completed any of his assignments on time. It was incredibly frustrating for the teachers, but whenever they broached the topic of an IEP with him, he vehemently refused.

The stress got to him, and he flunked everything and ended up failing the diploma altogether with 17 points.

Hear them out and don't just assume it's You vs. Them in this scenario. Ask them if your behaviour or performance is backgrounding this discussion for an IEP or if it has something to do with the old school debacle (for which there is no proof of you involved in an wrongdoing).

Best of luck with everything, mate!


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I actually have OCD as well and I've had some pretty bad episodes. One of them involved me not being able to turn in my homework for a month.... that was a terrible year. But even then, I was not put on an IEP because my mom did not want me to. I'm not sure what the educational laws are in Canada, but in the US, the student cannot be forced to do anything as long as it if not directly harming them.

I have been told that as long as I don't break the IB rules/policies, I won't be forced out of the program.

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^ Well, that's good. Also, I had a meeting with the student social worker last Friday, and she said that I can't get kicked out of IB because of my OCD, and that I won't even be forced to have an IEP :D Not that I don't have an open mind, but I just hate having stuff like that forced on to me. Plus my dad kinda implied heavily that I won't have any decision in IEP thing.

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