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EE in Film - help!


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I am going to do my EE in film and on propaganda, but I need help coming up with a research question. I am considering doing it on Disney's WWII propaganda - if so, do you guys have any good ideas on what might make up an interesting question?

What I would really like to do is investigate how the way women are depicted in Disney's movies/series changes as the status of women overall changes in history, but I doubt that this can be considered propaganda. Help with rephrasing this in a way which better suits my topic would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you


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Chica you are doing a lot with your EE...I did not know that the IB would except the EE in film. Thats awesome

Apparently you have to come up with the research question urself.

But think of this.....Compare Disney's WW11 propaganda use to Hitler's propaganda use.

Well ur idea is great I have an idea.......okay gather info. on women that were depicted in Disney's movies.series and point out their roles (the woman's place/staus).

Okay you know how the single states party leaders used propaganda to get more support from the peeps around them....well replace the leaders with females. Basically Im saying is investigate the staus of women throughout history.....note the changes.....similarities.....then advertise it...

I wish I could explain this better.......hopefully my ideas hepled.

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Perhaps focus on a particular cartoon or propaganda of some sort? There was Disney cartoon of Donald Duck in a Nazi uniform at one point if I remember correctly, that was hotly debated and someone did a ToK presentation on that.

But look through the IB EE syllabus for Film and see that your rough idea actually falls into one of the prescribed titles. Otherwise you'd've put in all this work for nought.

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Thanks for the replies!

I have choosen what to research, although I haven't yet formulated a question. I'm going to investigate how Disney animates the characters, surrondings and more to make you grasp, for example, who is the bad/good guy without putting it into words. Based on this, I am going to investigate his WWII propaganda (which, interestingly, is anti-nazi although I've just been informed he himself was anti-semite).

Although I will stop here in my EE, this is a good basis to rely on when trying to identify propaganda in general, as Disney's propaganda is made in the form of cartoons. Since everything is slightly... overstated in cartoons, I will learn obvious signs, which I believe will later help me in pinpointing propaganda even when made in a more subtle way.

What I need help with at this point is finding good literature concerning this. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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