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For my extended essay I really want to do something on the media because It's something that I'm really interested in. I orginally thought about doing just history of the media, but I was told it was too broad of a question. So then I said history of the media in the 1900's. I personally don't think that it's too broad. But then I thought of another idea what about history of the media in the 1950's and on. But I know that probably sounds way to broad. I had another idea about doing women in media, or black people in the media. It might be too much, and with those topics i'm not really interested in. I don't want to do a specific topic about Media, I want to do just all of media in general.

And to make myself clear I'm talking about social media or anything like that. I'm talking about the press, like newspapers, broadcast television, and stuff like that. So yea.. I hope someone can help me out...

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How much research have you done for this? All you've done is said you like media and now you link it to the nearest subject possible. So you're probably going to do your EE in history and this will need some form of argument in it. You cannot just parrot information about media in a certain time period. If you do that you'll be asking for terrible marks (which I assume you do not want).

Now, your EE title is far too broad. Media in the 1950s is just a stab in the dark. Why that time period? Any specific country? Any specific event? You can't do 'media in general'. That'll just turn into a narrative essay. The goal of the EE isn't for you to research a topic you're interested in and tell the examiner what you found out. (s)he could just look at wikipedia if they wanted to do that.

Overall, I think you're going in the wrong direction with this EE. Argue, don't narrate!

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First of all, think about a question you could ask yourself. A very specific question, one that you could answer THOROUGHLY in 4k words. "History of media in 1950s" or something similar sounds like wikipedia heading. You end up not INVESTIGATING anything, just researching. And in EE, research is just basis for a thorough analysis which aims at answering your research question. Right now, you're not even close to getting a topic worthy of an investigation.

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