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So, I've been taking Mandarin for two years. Unfortunately due to staffing issues, we didn't have a Chinese teacher. Currently, I only know about half a year's worth of Chinese. Currently I am taking supplementary classes outisde of school to help me learn Chinese. For my IB cohort everyone taking Chinese is going to be placed in Ab initio.

My question for anyone that took Mandarin Ab initio is that if you reccomend any form of outside classes to at least help get by in that class? Or would I be fine without it?

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While I didn't take mandarin ab initio, the ways for learning a language at the beginner level are pretty universal and depend on how well you're doing in mandarin right now. If you feel like you're doing pretty well in class and have a good grasp of the language at the appropriate level, then perhaps outside classes would be a waste of money and time. On the other hand, if you're struggling in class, extra classes might help a lot. That being said, spend some time on your own outside of class reviewing and practicing. That's the best way to get good at a language: to use it.

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