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English B - Sherlock Holmes EE? Topic help


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I was thinking about doing something along the lines of how are women of the Victorian era represented in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work through the motif of crime (this is just from the top of my head, not very pretty :P ). Not yet a concrete title, but is this okay as a subject? I would use various Sherlock Holmes stories for analysis. Perhaps I could even compare women in crime in Doyle's vs. Christie's work?

Basically, I would like to do something connected to women in his work, without it being "how are women presented in... ?" Any ideas?

Another one would be To what extent is Doyle's character of Sherlock Holmes a standard example of a Victorian gentleman? Yes, Doyle lived in the ages, and of course his character carries the ideas and attitudes of the Victorian era, but there are also some very non-Victorian aspects to the character of Sherlock Holmes. There is room for argument here and it would be interesting to try and take a different spin to analyzing Homes.

Opinions, please please please! :)

Thanks in advance!

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Women's roles in the Sherlock Holmes books could be a possible topic, since there are many different types of women introduced in the books.

"To what extent" is a good way of writing the question if you're looking into whether Mr. Holmes is an example of a Victorian gentleman.

I don't know which of the topics I prefer. Perhaps the one discussing wonmen's roles would be more suitable. Hmm. :hmmm: Then again, these are just my thoughts. :D

You'll have to specify which work(s) you will be focusing on, though. There are many novels and short story collections with Sherlock Holmes as the main character.

Our English A teacher generally told us not to choose a favorite book. An earlier IB student had once written her EE about A Game of Thrones, where her subjectivity took over and ruined the whole essay.

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