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English B EE, need help for the outline!

Cigdem Cabuker

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Hey ^_^

I'm doing my EE on English B, and my topic is the "effects of fictional languages in dystopian novels 1984 and A Clockwork Orange"

I'm going to study the structures of these languages and then argue their effects in my essay. But I don't know how I should organize my headings and subheadings. Can you help me about that?

Thanks :maha:

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Rather than "effects" (on a reader) it might be wiser to take a more overt literary, linguistic or cultural approach. So with your present question, "role" (in the literary work) will be more pertinent than trying to examine how (presumed) readers react.

If you tell us what your headings and sub-headings are, we might be in a better position to help you. YOU will need to decide what these are, otherwise we'd be doing an important part of the assignment for you.

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Thanks Blackcurrant ^.^

Well, I was thinking about mentioning the effect of nadsat, because it creates an effect on the reader as well as the world in the book. But 1984 doesn't have that so I should maybe mention it as a subheading. Thanks for the advice :)

First, I'll have a heading where I will write about the role of constructed languages in dystopian novels in general. Then there will be a heading for Newspeak, including the structure of the language, the effect it has on the people in the book, and the main reasons why the Party is using the language to control people.

Then there'll be a heading for nadsat, again including the structure of the language. Nadsat has effects on both the people in the book and readers. I don't know if I should use seperate subheadings or one subheading including both.

And then conclusion. That's my outline so far but I have problems about organizing it :unsure:

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See what you can do with this:

Your introduction will orient readers to the significance and relevance of your research.

Early on in the essay, some background on the phenomenon of constructed languages in novels (and, more particularly, Dystopian novels), will not be out of place. Discuss how your chosen works conform to and depart from what has gone before. This should not take too much space away from actual detailed discussion of the works at hand, as you need to demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding of these. This could be followed by examining the main features of each contrived language, and again, you could, in a short space, describe some interesting similarities and differences in their make-up. Their outstanding features can be linked to their purpose and function: include here, already, how they exert themselves on the population in the works. Then discuss the role(s) of the dystopian language in each work. What part does the contrived language play in the development of the story (plot) of each work, for instance? Role can also include writer's purpose and intended / purported effect on reader now and contemporary, but when dwelling in reader response you should not speculate too much here. Turn to outside sources to buttress your claims. I think you have the idea.

Hopefully, someone else will add or refine or correct what I say here. All grist for the mill :)

Edited by Blackcurrant
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