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I don't think this is a very detailed topic. It seems to be very open ended. Also, it seems a lot more like a topic that I would pick for an IA than for an Ext. Essay.
However, if you do want your extended essay to revolve around this topic, I suggest you be more precise.
Instead of - "In what ways did change in American Leadership during WW2 escalate tension between the United States and Soviet Union?"

Maybe you could use - "To what extent did (insert name of American Leader) escalate tension between US and USSR, as part of the cold war, between (Insert the time period you are looking into)"

Make sure this time period is not beyond 10 years, and if you cannot find enough information within those 10 years (which I doubt, since 10 years is quite a lot of time in the cold war), make it a maximum of 15-20. I've heard that examiners don't like large time periods... after all, anyone can write about situations that happened over more than 2 decades. It does not even require much evaluation, and so, you are unlikely to be graded high if your time period is large.

Also, THE LEADER MENTIONED IS IMPORTANT. For example, I used a similar topic for my mock IA, where my question was "To what extent was Truman's personality a factor for the tension between US and USSR between 1945-1950"

If you do not want to single out a specific Leader, maybe you could single out a situation or conference (Like Yalta) or maybe a Leader's thought, (Like Kennedy's flexible response or Truman's Containment).

Hope this helps out even a little :)

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